Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,126
August 9, 2023
I am still at Magic Live and most of this newsletter was written before I left. I am happy to report that I have been able secure some really cool new tricks and books that I will be able to share with you over the next few weeks or months.
The new exclusive product I introduced at the convention sold-out and many people called it the best new trick they saw. Magicians were coming up to me all week asking to see the Jellybean trick! I hope to be able to offer it to you soon.
Lubor Fiedler was a genius who invented a lot of great magic. Two early tricks that probably everyone knows and owns is his Dental Dam and Gozinta Boxes. He also released a lot of tricks and routines throughout his life when he was published and during the many lectures he did. One of his least known tricks is his Master of Chance.
Bill Schmeelk has just released a new version of it through his Wellington Enterprises’ Signature Series of Handcrafted Miracles.
The new version added multiple phases and a new deceptive design that eliminates wild (and wrong) guesses as to method. I was part of the brain trust during the creation process so my opinion is biased, but I have seen this fool some incredibly smart magicians. It does not use any gimmicks, and everything is examinable. Lubor’s method applied a simple topological oddity and a hidden action to create a seemingly impossible outcome.
►Master Of Chance And Beyond:
This is number nine in the Wellington Signature Series of Handcrafted Miracles. Unlike the original designs of the Lubor Fiedler trick that could give away false methods, Bill Schmeelk redesigned the props, so they are now made of clear, see-through, Plexiglass.
The basic effect uses two small identical triangular blocks, and a tube that covers the two stacked blocks.
You begin by placing one of the blocks into the tube so that the spectator cannot see the orientation of the colors. The spectator is then asked to take the remaining triangle, turn it however they desire and drop it into the tube on top of the other block.
When you lift the tube, exposing the colored sides of the blocks, they are both aligned… their colors match on all sides. The tube and the blocks can be handed out for examination with no fear that the secret will be discovered.
In addition to the design modifications, this edition of the routine teaches an additional first phase and adds predictions which make the handling logical and deceptive.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Meaningful Conjuring:
Ed Solomon, who was also known as DeNomolos, was a master storyteller who used magic to emphasize the point or moral of his stories. He wanted his magic to appeal to the intellect and touch the soul of his audiences, or as he put it: “People may not remember my name or the magic that I performed, but they will remember how it made them feel.”
Between 2004 and 2015 Ed wrote 125 columns in The Linking Ring magazine that featured short stories that used simple magic to highlight their messages. All those columns are included in this book along with some bonus tricks, essays, and more.
If you ever wanted to elevate your magic from just being a series of puzzles into meaningful moments of magic, this book may inspire you to think along those lines. Remember that all good magic revolves around solid stories and premises and this book is full of both.
Watch and buy: HERE
Was very sad to hear about the passing of my longtime friend Dan Garrett. He was always kind to everyone, and that unassuming personality is what made his magic so special. You didn’t expect to be fooled so badly with his magic because of that. I still perform a trick he taught me when we first met around 1980.
►Sunday August 20: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: All orders will be shipped when I get back on Friday the 11th.
“Many of the newest creations in magic are originated by amateur magicians.”
…Walter Gibson (Howard Thurston 400 Tricks You Can Do, 1940)