Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #966
September 22, 2021
My friend Just Alan who recently closed his magic shop in Woodstock contacted me about some scarce inventory he had left over and asked if I would be interested in them.
It was some brand-new Ton’s Wallets that were released in 1992. I am ashamed to say that I was not familiar with them, but when I looked at what they did it put a smile on my face. In it’s most basic use it is a card to wallet routine with a difference.
The difference is that the wallet is also a Himber Wallet. Which means that once you load the card in the wallet you can then show it empty! And later show that the signed card appeared inside. That subtlety helps in the idea that the card entered the wallet when it was in full view or even in the spectator’s hand. These Wallets have been going for a lot of money in the secondary market, but I am offering them to you at what Just Alan was selling them for.
Oh, and the reason Just Alan had a bunch of them is because he used to sell them at lectures with his “Love, Aunt Doris” routine that appeared in the April 2000 issue of Genii where Richard Kaufman wrote: “I am so pleased to have a beautiful routine from Just Alan in Genii. He is one of the most gifted performers I have seen in years.“
Oh, and if you read this far, Just Alan agreed to let me share his “Love, Aunt Doris’ routine with you: HERE
►Ton’s Wallet:
Ton’s Wallet is a combination of a Himber Wallet and a card-to-wallet loader wallet.
What that means is that you can do a remarkable routine by having a signed card returned to the deck, remove the wallet from your pocket, show it empty, hand it to a spectator and later open it to show that their signed card is now inside.
Get one: HERE
I just received another shipment of the hand-made N-Strippers in all varieties. I also took the time to add another segment to the video tutorial, which now runs around 23-minutes.
Previously we taught you how it works but after talking to many of you about it I realized that by explaining why it works made it easier for you to visualize what to do and the learning curve became much shorter. If you already purchased these decks take a look in your account’s Media Library for the latest updated tutorial.
For a very long time the N-Stripper Deck, also known as a Negative Stripper, has been a closely held secret among card cheaters and very few advanced card magicians.
Unlike any other type of deck that shares part of its name, these cards can be shuffled and cut by the spectator in any way they like. They can even be washed and turned as they do in casinos.
After all the shuffling and cutting you can strip out the Aces, the Kings, Queens, Jacks, and tens.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Did you know that the October issue of Genii has positive reviews for three of my new releases?
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE