Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,239
October 1, 2024
Dr. Martin Schwartz has spent years inventing, manufacturing, and releasing card magic with mechanical wind-up engines that seem to defy the natural laws of nature.
Today you will see his latest creation. I left his trailer as is so you will be able to see what it is and how everything is happening. But I wanted to mention a few things.
I kept thinking of how Eugene Burger would do this, since it is ideal for spooky, ghostly story telling magic. It occurred to me that he liked to put props like these under a Glorpy (Haunted Hank) so there is mischief under the handkerchief before the reveal. It is ideal for séance type of presentations, even without the selected card.
The Cardman in me would use Tilt to return the card into the center of the deck. It also occurred to me that if you are seated and not using the bag the deck could keep moving off the table and vanish.
In the last two newsletters I introduced you to Michael Skinner and David Roth’s unique applications for folding coins. I completely forgot about George Schindler’s routine which also uses a folding coin. I have seen George perform this dozens of times for all kinds of audiences. Watch him perform it in his Magic Castle Parlor show: HERE
►Impossible Conditions:
This release is unique in effect and can be presented as a card trick but is ideal for magicians who excel in the art of storytelling magic and eerie and spooky magic, and especially necromancers who present seances.
The basic effect which is taught on the tutorial begins with a deck of cards being shuffled. Around a third of the deck is handed to a spectator and the rest are put back in the box. A card is selected, signed and put into the box with the rest of the cards. The deck is placed into a clear ziplock back which is then sealed.
The bag is covered with a handkerchief and moments later the handkerchief is removed to show that the cards somehow came out of the box and are sitting next to it. Upon unzipping the bag, the selected card is found to be the only one remaining in the card-box.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Coin In The Ring:
This is a coin routine that George Schindler has been performing, walk-around, formal close-up, and even in parlor and stage settings.
It is a simple routine that always gets great reactions from lay people because it is impossible.
The basic routine involves a borrowed bill and a borrowed finger ring. The bill is rolled into a tube and inserted into the finger ring.
A coin is shown and mysteriously vanishes. It is then amazingly found inside the rolled-up bill that has been inside the finger ring that has been held down by a spectator.
Watch and buy: HERE
Just got another shipment of this super-magnetic coin set that can be used for impossible looking magic.
►Obake Quarter Set:
Kreis is best known for his exceptionally powerful magnetic coins that can be used for some incredible seeming magic. The coins are so strong that they can attract each other through your hand, a deck of cards, or even through most tables.
“Obake” means ghost in Japanese, and this “ghost” coins set allows you to do some clean and impossible looking routines that cannot be done with other similar gimmicks.
Watch and buy: HERE
►OCTOBER 6: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►NOVEMBER 1: Halloween Magic Review in NY. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Spoke to George Schindler yesterday and as some of you may know he is 95 years old and a few weeks ago he fell injuring his shoulder and fracturing three ribs. He has since been in a full-time rehab facility, but he sounds good, is in good spirits and is as witty as ever.
PPS: Doc Eason’s new book sold out shortly after I sent out the last newsletter, but he agreed to autograph another case of books that should arrive soon. Link: HERE
“Through practice you will get ideas of your own around which other tricks and other equipment can be built.”
…IB Permin (Hokus Pokus, 1968)