MT: February 28-March 5, 2000

VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 791 / Monday – February 28, 2000
Is the Masked Street Magician the New York area mentalist Gerry McCambridge? A crew from the Extra TV show spent most of Saturday interviewing him for a special report scheduled to air on Monday on NBC-TV. Is he or isn’t he? Is this just a publicity stunt? A wild goose chase? We’ll find out soon enough. To view Riley G.’s work on this click: HERE. To find out about Gerry McCambridge click: HERE.(2/28)
–Show has been rescheduled for Tuesday.(2/29)

Secrets of Street Magicians Finally Revealed received a 7.2 rating and an 11 share for its time slot compared to the Grammy Awards which won the night with a 19.8 rating and a 29 share.(2/28)

Thomas Meier, Jeff Martin, Mike Elkan, Lee Bayless, Mr. Mysto, Eric Buss, Bob Borgia, and J. C. Dunn appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Feb. 28-Mar. 5.(2/28)

PENNSYLVANIA: Greg Wilson lectures for the Lancaster Professional Magicians’ Club on Tuesday Feb. 29 at 6:30pm at the Grace Lutheran Church (517 North Queen Street) in Lancaster City.(2/28)

Monday, Feb. 28
Ricky Jay in Things Change -See 2/5.(2/26)
VOLUME: 26 / ISSUE: 792 / Tuesday – February 29, 2000
SC, FL: Tony Griffith who hails from Bristol, England will be lecturing in the US starting on Tuesday Feb. 29 and continuing through Mar. 7. He can be seen in Wilmington, SC (Feb. 29), Charleston, SC (Mar. 1), Jacksonville, FL (2), Fort Walton Beach, FL (3), Melbourne, FL (4), Lakeland, FL (6), and in Orlando, FL (7). For more information you can phone Steve Beam at: 919-387-2999.(2/29)


Tuesday, Feb. 29
Gerry McCambridge is scheduled to appear on Extra on Tuesday Feb. 29 at 7pm with at rerun on Mar. 1 at Noon ET on NBC-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(2/29) — Postponed for a later showing.(2/29)
The Amazing Jonathan in Lounge Lizards on Tuesday Feb. 29 at 10:30pm ET on COM-TV (US-cable).(2/27)
The Geisha Boy -See 2/4.(2/27)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 793 / Wednesday – March 1, 2000
Joe Harrison and his family who present their show, “Classics of Magic” are featured in The Baton Rouge Advocate. Their daughter Lisa says, “Magic is the universal language. We can go from country to country and language is no barrier. Magic is visual. We’ve done shows for deaf audiences. My dad’s whole life is magic. He lives, eats and breathes magic. He’s a perfectionist, and I guess he ought to know what he’s doing by now after 42 years!” To read the Feb. 11 article supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(3/1)

NEW YORK: Legendary Earl “Presto” Johnson, a true icon of the New York City magic scene, will be giving a lecture on Friday Mar. 3 at 8:30pm for S.A.M. Parent Assembly #1 in NYC. This is the annual Willie Schneider memorial lecture and is free to all PA members and closed to non-members.(3/1)

Wednesday, Mar. 1
The Geisha Boy (1958) starring Jerry Lewis as a magician on Wednesday Mar. 1 at 6:15am on SHOW2-TV and on Mar. 5 at 5:20am, Mar. 21 at 5:25am on ENCORE-TV, and Mar. 17 at 6:35am, Mar. 18 at 5:50am, Mar. 23 at 8:45am, and Mar. 28 at 6am ET on SHOW2-TV (US-cable).(2/28,3/15)
–Buy the video for $13.99; click: HERE.
The Great Jethro episode of the Beverly Hillbillies on Wednesday Mar. 1 at 9:30pm and Thursday Mar. 2 at 1:30am ET on NICK-TV (US-cable).(2/28)
The Linguini Incident (1992) about a waitress who dreams of becoming an escape artist on Wednesday Mar. 1 at 5:30pm ET on ROMCL-TV (US-cable).(2/28)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 974 / Thursday – March 2, 2000
Gerry McCambridge is not the Masked Street Magician. The rumors were originally started by Riley G and were taken by McCambridge as a joke. He kiddingly posted the information to the PEA (Psychic Entertainers Association) in their digest apologizing for the exposures. The e-mail was intercepted by Riley G — The PEA is very serious about its secrecy and decided to create a sting operation to find out which of their members leaked this information. With the help of Bruce Barnett they posted encrypted messages (furthering the rumor of McCambridge as the Masked Street Magician) which were delivered to different members which they suspected — today they discovered the informant. So, as far as we are concerned McCambridge is not the Masked Street Magician, had nothing to do with the show, and was not thrown out of the PEA. For an in-depth discussion of this story by McCambridge click: HERE. The TV show Extra however is in pursuit of the real Masked Street Magician and has McCambridge’s denial on tape for a future show.(3/2)

Thursday, Mar. 2
David Copperfield on a rerun of last week’s Tonight Show on Thursday Mar. 2 at 2:05am ET on NBC-TV (US).(3/1)
Siegfried & Roy. The Magic. The Mystery on Thursday Mar. 2 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(2/29)
Beverly Hillbillies The Great Jethro episode -See 3/1.(2/29)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 795 / Friday – March 3, 2000
Harry Anderson has just purchased the old Amazed and Amused magic shop at the French Quarter in New Orleans where he plans to open his own show around Halloween. The two-person play titled Curiosities by Appointment is based on a séance. The retail space to be titled Spade & Archer will sell magic and parts of Anderson’s collection in the front and have a 35-seat theater in the back.(3/3)

Secrets of Street Magicians finished off at number 64 in the ratings for the week of Feb. 21-27 with a final rating of 6.2 (6.2×1,008,000 = 6,249,600 viewers). The ratings were compiled by Nielsen Media Research.(3/3)

Friday, Mar. 3
In Search Of – Houdini’s Secrets on Friday Mar. 3 at 10:30am and 3:30pm on HIST-TV (US-cable).(3/1)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 796 / Saturday – March 4, 2000
Forbes magazines’ list of the 100 highest earning celebrities was published in their March 20 issue. This is the first time that their list included four magicians. Debuting this year at number 78 was David Blaine with estimated earnings for 1999 of four million dollars. David Copperfield came in 13th with $50 million, Siegfried & Roy number 54 with $35 million and Penn & Teller at number 83 with $3 million. These numbers are only estimates. As Forbes states, “Our earnings estimates are based on extensive interviews with industry executives, agents and lawyers, as well as on published sources…” To view the Forbes Celebrity 100 list click: HERE.(3/4)

PENNSYLVANIA: A magic auction sponsored by the Lancaster Professional Magicians’ club takes place on Sunday Mar. 5 at 11am at the Regency Executive Center (2147 Embassy Dr.). They promise more than 300 items by some of the leading manufacturers of collectible magic including illusions, posters, close-up, etc… For more information phone: 717-252-3966 or 717-397-2150. You can also e-mail:

Saturday, Mar. 4
Secret World of Magicians and Mentalists on Saturday Mar. 4 at 8pm and 11pm and Mar. 6 at 2am ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(3/2)
The Great Canadians episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 4 at 7am ET on Discovery Canada. (3/2)
The Magician’s Story episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 4 at 7:30am ET on Discovery Canada. (3/2)
Busting The Fakes episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Mar. 4 at 11:30pm ET on Discovery Canada. (3/2)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 797 / Sunday – March 5, 2000
Torkova, Peter Kougasian, Bobby Baxter, Todd Robbins, Florian Klein, and Jamy Ian Swiss appear at Monday Night Magic on Feb. 14 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(3/5)

NEVADA: Cesareo Pelaez is the guest of honor at the World Magic Seminar XXIII at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas. on Mar. 5-8. Featured performers include: Mike Bent, Tony Binarelli, Vanni Bossi, Noel Britton, Tony Clark, David and Dania, Hans Davis, Wayne Dobson, Carl Hackner, Ardan James, David Kaye, Mac King, Ted Lesley, Majestix, Passing Zone, Rick Thomas, Steve Valentine, and Mark Wilson. For more information click: HERE.(3/5)

Sunday, Mar. 5
The classic 1953 Houdini movie starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh airs on Sunday Mar. 5 at 10amET on AMC-TV (US-cable).(3/3)
–Buy the video for $13.99; click: HERE.
Penn & Teller on the Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder episode of the Simpsons on Sunday Mar. 5 at 7:30pm ET on FOX-TV (US).(3/3)
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