Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #962
September 8, 2021
One of the items I introduced you to a few years ago is Chris Hanowell’s Bently. I still carry it with me everyday because it looks and feels like something supernatural. You can read what I originally wrote about it: HERE.
You basically show a paperclip that eerily bends and breaks by itself, and everything is examinable at the end.

Over the years I thought of a bunch of ways to casually introduce the paperclip instead of taking it out of my pocket. Most were just OK.
Everything fell into place a couple of months ago when I introduced you the pocket edition of Todd Karr’s Comedy Mentalism Kit: HERE
By combining the two everything made sense to me. Let me explain.
I use the YOUR NAME joke card from the Mentalism Kit (although all will work) and I put a regular paperclip on it as seen in the photos.

The card with the clip and the clip with the work in it, sit in my wallet or phone case. As seen in the photo.
I will describe how I do it when seated in a casual non-performing situation. I start by placing the gag card face down on the table or someone’s hand as I say would you be impressed if your name was written on the front of that card? (Obviously for this gag card it would be someone whose name I don’t know yet, the NO gag is the one I use for friends).
While I say that, my hands are pre-setting the necessary paperclip in my lap (I like pre-setting at the last possible moment when possible).
After they turn over the card to see the gag, I take the card with the clip on it and put it away in my pocket and come back out with the bendable paperclip, making it seem like I put away the card as I removed the clip that was in view the entire time. I do the routine and let them keep the clip parts after it breaks.
When deciding to do it standing up, I preset the clip in my pocket and the rest remains the same. I hope that made sense.
By subtlety introducing the paperclip with the gag card, it makes it a seemingly innocent item and it also brings down the expectations for what is about to happen.
I currently re-stocked both of those items, so I have plenty in stock. I highly recommend the combo.
This is a fantastic, visual effect that looks absolutely impossible, while being extremely easy to perform.
You begin by showing an ordinary paper clip (or better yet, pretend to pick one up from someone’s desk). As you hold the clip in your hand and pretend to concentrate on it, it will begin to move and visually bend. It is eerie and amazing.
You can stop right there or continue until it straightens or even breaks in half. If you go for the break ending, everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Comedy Mentalism Kit: Pocket Edition:
This is a set of Todd Karr’s reimagined collection of mentalism gag predictions. A lot of work has gone into the photography and artwork, so it looks professional and not childish. Depending on how you present them they could get big laughs or huge groans.
You can use all of them as one routine, pick the ones you like for a shorter routine, use them one at a time as a running gag between other routines, or as emcee bits between performers.
The Pocket Size edition, which fits in your pocket, is a great way to introduce yourself or your magic with a quick laugh.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: James Galea’s Best Trick Ever television specials that aired in Australia at the end of 2018 are finally available on the web for all to see. I make a minor appearance in both specials. See if you can find me: HERE
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE