Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,010
April 30, 2022
Earworms are pieces of music that get stuck in your head and repeat themselves. I am not sure if there is a similar term for ideas that haunt you. But I have lots of those…
A few years ago, Michael Rubinstein suggested that there is a need in coin magic for well made blank coins. David Roth introduced the idea on one of his videos and others, like Michael came up with routines using that concept.
I thought they would be easy to make but hit many roadblocks. But the idea kept coming back to me. When I purchased the manufacturing rights to the Roth line, I stepped up the pursuit. You will not believe how many prototypes I went through, the number of people and companies I consulted with, and how much money I spent on that project.
But they are finally here. In around a month I will release David and Michael’s Blank Coins Routines. But until then I am offering the coins on their own for you to pursue your own applications.
I am putting out two versions which have their own strengths. A standard Blank Coin and a Mirror Coin. Instead of trying to explain what they are and what can be done with them I suggest you watch the two short trailers on the product pages. You might be surprised with some of the applications.
I showed samples to some friends at the SAM convention in January and they all loved them and wanted some. They are “must haves” for all coin magicians.
►Blank Coin:
A blank coin is also referred to as a planchet or a flan and is technically a round metal disc that is used to strike coins.
David Roth popularized the idea that these blanks can be used in coin magic by changing them into any coin using spellbound moves.
But it is almost impossible to have them manufactured in the shape and size of US coins due to some counterfeiting regulations… Until now.
You get a single coin which is the exact size and thickness as a US Half Dollar with milled edges and a Satin Nickel finish. Comes with access to a video tutorial.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Mirror Coin:
Unlike the blank coin this edition has a shiny mirror finish which allows for additional types of routines like reflective twilight like presentations.
The Mirror Coin can also be used as a shiner!
You get a single coin which is the exact diameter as a US Half dollar, with milled edges, but is just a little thicker, with a Mirror Nickel finish.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Back in stock:
►Max Malini Book: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Finished packing most of my booth and it is on its way to Vegas. Can’t wait to show these coins to everyone and the two other huge releases.