Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #770
July 24, 2019
On June 28, 1979 I got a job working at Louis Tannen Inc. Tannen’s as it is commonly referred to, was the largest magic company in the world at the time, or at least that is what the ads said.
It was every magician’s dream to one day work at a magic shop. Working there and learning the business of producing and marketing magic was a natural next step for me, and it didn’t take long for me to start re-selling magic and eventually put out my own trick.
Actually, it did not take long at all for me to release my first trick. I was a packet trick junkie at the time, so my first trick was Mirror Miracle which I packaged and started selling to friends sometime in July. It was a variation of Darwin Ortiz’ Jumping Gemini in that it used a similar sequence but with some gaffs and a kicker mirror ending. The first version came with hand-made gaffs in a coin envelope with xeroxed instructions wrapped around it. I will shoot a trailer for it and tell you more about it next month.
So, it seems like this month is the 40th anniversary of me being in the magic/marketing business. What to do? Was going to throw a party… but I am not a party person. Been to too many of them as a magician.
I was debating about doing a sale. Even though I hate them, I finally caved. I thought it should be a good and meaningful sale and include almost everything I put out since 1979.
You will find the more than 200 sale items: HERE.

I decided on:
►40% Off everything (except for collectibles and things that I don’t make 40% on). Link: HERE.
►4-days only (one for each decade). Ends on Saturday at midnight, NY time.
Some rules:
►The sale items are marked on sale. No other items are eligible.
►Only applies to paid and shipped web orders between now and 7/27/2019.
►No pickups or deliveries. Only shipped web orders.
►No discounts on previously placed or future orders.
All the sale items can be found: HERE.

I have been so busy lately that I forgot to mention that my monthly column in the Rivertown Magazine came out. I teach a fun finger trick this month and it can be viewed online (pages 112-113) by going: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.