MT: October 12 – October 18, 1998

VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 287 / Monday – October 12, 1998
“Houdini: The Musical” opens on Saturday Oct. 31at The Great Music Hall of the Plaza Theatre (425 North Bumby Avenue, Orlando, FL). Tickets range from $15-25 and are available by phoning: 407-299-7240. Additional shows are scheduled for Oct. 30 and Nov. 1. Their press release describes the show as follows, “Imagine – if you will – the grandeur of The Phantom Of The Opera seamlessly blended with the relentless drive of Jekyll & Hyde; throw in, for good measure, the perplexing modern-day maneuvers of illusionist David Copperfield, and one can begin to comprehend the concept that Houdini: The Musical embodies.” A Houdini demonstration album is scheduled for a year-end release. For more info visit their website by clicking: HERE.(10/12)

Monte Smith, Ed Schiff, Handsome Jack, Brian Gillis, Patrick Albanese, Michael Grasso, Jody Baran, and Bill Perron appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Oct. 12-18.(10/12)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 288 / Tuesday – October 13, 1998 
Herb Dewey who was featured on the cover of the last Stevens Magic catalog and was named by Bascom Jones as “King of the Cold Readers” died on Sunday of an apparent heart attack at the age of 63. Services will be held on Wednesday at 11am at the Holy Family Catholic Church in Davidson, MD. His books: “King of the Cold Readers,” “Mindblowing Psychic Readings,” “Psycho-Babble,” and “Red Hot Cold Reading” are considered to be classics on the subject. Recently he has been doing readings at a new-age store in Annapolis, MD.(10/13)

World Champion Manipulator Juliana Chen is featured in the Oct. 13th episode of the long running and popular Canadian TV show, “The Fifth Estate.” The segment is called “The Queen of Tricks” and will present Chen as “Canada’s hottest new magician. …she knows what you think you know, and yet she surprises you anyway–and with plenty of sizzle. Juliana is The Queen of Tricks–and her magic will amaze you–even if we did manage to spy on a few of her secrets.” The show airs on Tuesday Oct. 13 at 9pm ET on CBC-TV (Canada).(10/13)

Jon Stetson, Alexander, Steve Kradolfer, Don Konick, and David Oliver appear in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Oct. 13. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-1655.(10/13)

Todd Robbins, Waldo The Human Ostrich, Ray-Mond are among the performers on the “Weird Magic” episode of “Grand Illusions: The Story Of Magic” on the Canadian Discovery channel, Tuesday Oct. 13 at 9:30pm and again on Oct. 14 at 1:30am & 4:30am, Oct. 17 at 7pm and Oct. 18 at 2:30pm ET.(10/13)

Webster helps a janitor return to his former career as a magician on The Great Walnutto episode of “Webster” on Tuesday Oct. 13. (Syndicated in US – check local listings).(10/13)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 289 / Wednesday – October 14, 1998
Michael Ammar, Avner The Eccentric, Todd Charles, Eric Citron, Francois Colin, Paul Cummins, Eric DeCamps, Patrick Droude, Cyril Harvey, Joshua Jay, Micah Lasher, Andy Leviss, Todd MacDonald, Rich Marotta, Henry Mayol, David Oliver, Terry Parrett, Paul Ruben, Ashley Springer, Tabary, Mahka Tendo, Pete White, Adam Williams, Joey “Z” & Flame, and Herb Zarrow, appear at Tannen’s 36th annual Magic Jubilee on Oct. 15-18 at Kutchers Country Club in Monticello, NY. Guest of honor and recipient of the “Louie” award will be Herb Zarrow. To register “last-minute” call Kutsher’s directly by phoning: 800-431-1273.(10/14)

Luther asks Craig to perform a magic act for children on “St. Elsewhere” in the Nothing Up My Sleeve episode on Thursday Oct. 15 at 6am ET on TVLAND (US-cable).(10/14)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 290 / Thursday – October 15, 1998
Astor, Cargoba, Carl Cloutier, Amos Levkovitch, Chad Long, Enric Magoo, Jon Racherbaumer, James Randi, Jim Swain, and Rebekah Yen are scheduled to appear at “Magic On The Beach IV” on Oct. 16-18 at the Radisson Adventura beach Resort in North Miami Beach, FL. For more info call 305-382-185 or visit their website by clicking: HERE.(10/15)

The Bradys encourage Peter to take up magic on the “Brady Bunch” on Friday Oct. 16 at 2:30am ET on NICK-TV (US-cable).(10/15)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 291 / Friday – October 16, 1998
The September 20 issue of The New York Times Magazine featured a story about Ricky Jay and his new Television project. Still unnamed the half-hour live variety show will feature Ricky and a cast of actors who will improvise a show based on the characters from his book “Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women” and his magazine “Jay’s Journal of Anomalies.” A terrific idea — too bad the story (with photo) was part of a parody of what TV would be like if there were no ratings and shows were produced to break boundaries and create good television.(10/16)

Penn and Teller are taping several more episodes of “Sin City Spectacular” on Oct. 16-19 at the Las Vegas Hilton. Tickets should be available from the hotel box office.(10/16)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 292 / Saturday – October 17, 1998
Mahka Tendo (Japan), one of the best card manipulators in the world, and Tabary (France), one of the best rope manipulators in the world received the 1998 Merlin awards for Manipulation and Cabaret. The awards were presented by Tony Hassini, president of the 20,000-member International Magicians Society, during the evening show at Tannen’s Jubilee On Friday Oct. 16.(10/17)
VOLUME: 10 / ISSUE: 293 / Sunday – October 18, 1998
Martin Lewis (son of the legendary Eric Lewis) starts a lecture tour which will take him throughout the United Kingdom in October. Ipswich (Oct. 19), Birmingham (20), Oldham (21), St. Helens Northwest Dealers Day (25), Leicester (26), Peterborough (27), Upminster, Essex (28) and at the Magic Circle in London on Nov. 2.(10/18)

Larry Maples and Raven, Dick Newton, and Harley Newman appear at Monday Night Magic on Oct. 19 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(10/18)
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