MT: March 20-26, 2000

VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 812 / Monday – March 20, 2000
Alba, John Carney, Billy McComb, John Shryock, Andrew Goldenhersh, Lorenzo Clark, Dan Birch, and Howard Jay appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Mar. 20-26. Whit Haydn lectures on Sunday Mar. 26.(3/20)

VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 813 / Tuesday – March 21, 2000
The Magicians & Spirits show at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA, which is now Boston’s longest-running magic show, will be celebrating its fourth anniversary on Tuesday Mar. 21. Featured performers are David Oliver, Jon Stetson, Steve Kradolfer, Marcelo Contento, Mike Bent, and Alexander. The show starts at 9pm with “Random Acts Of Magic” at the bar, followed by the Cabaret Show at 10pm. All seats $10. For more information phone: 617-876-7094.(3/21)

Ron Watson (69), known as Uncle Ron the Magician, dies in the middle of a show cheering up stroke victims in the Tokoroa Hospital in New Zealand. To read the Mar. 17 AP story click: HERE.(3/21)

LOUISIANA: The 2nd Annual “The Second Deal Convention” takes place on Mar. 24-26 in New Orleans. Scheduled to lecture are: Doug Conn, Joshua Jay, Kevin Kelly, and Don England. Convention is limited to 50 people. For more information visit their website by clicking: HERE.(3/21)

VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 814 / Wednesday – March 22, 2000
Art Benjamin the Math-Magician is featured in the LA Times. Earlier this year he received the “Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics” by the Mathematical Association of America. In addition to being an associate professor at Harvey Mudd College he also travels and performs his Mathemagics show for elementary schools where he inspires children to get interested in Math. To read the Mar. 20 article by Kristin Storey click: HERE.(3/22)

The Cuban drag magician Miss Brandall, “Queen of Magical Illusions” performs in New York and Michael Musto of the Village Voice reviews the show. He describes what he saw as “…the most surreal and inexplicable club experience since I couldn’t get into Chaos.” To read the Mar. 15 article click: HERE.(3/22)

MICHIGAN: Abbott’s 20th Close-Up Convention on Mar. 24-25 in Colon features Charles Green, III and Gregory Wilson. Registration is $50. For more information phone: 616-432-3235.(3/22)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 815 / Thursday – March 23, 2000 
Conclave 2000, the 28th annual magic convention sponsored by the Toledo Society of Magicians, is featured in the Toledo Blade. Mentioned in the article are Michael Night, Raven, John Carney, Pete Gossamer, Arthur Duchek, Doc Eason, and Steve Hart. To read the Mar. 17 article click: HERE.(3/23)

FLORIDA: The Wizards Of Winter Haven’s 10th Annual Awards Banquet & Show on Friday Mar. 24 at the Chain-O-Lakes Civic Center Club Room (corner of Hwy. 17 & Cypress Gardens Blvd) in Winter Haven. Performers include: Mike Peterson, Christopher Oz, Ryan Pamplin, Steve Marshall, Marty Bristow, James Songster, Joe Vecciarelli, Jim Fisher, Crazy Irving, and more. Tickets are $20 per person and include a buffet meal. For more information click: HERE.(3/23)
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 816 / Friday – March 24, 2000
David Copperfield says that the secret to his success “is to consider nothing impossible.” In a Toledo Blade article Copperfield breaks down the process of how he creates a new illusion, saying that on average it takes around two and a half years to develop a new illusion while the flying routine took a decade. Discussing how he became a member of the SAM at the age of 12 (youngest person ever admitted) he said, “I think it was a fluke… I had a friend [Ed Mishell] who was in the organization and I worked really hard to impress him. And I guess I did.” To read the Mar. 22 story by David Yonke click: HERE.(3/24)

“Magic Night at the Mausoleum” which is Houston’s weekly showcase for magicians is now in its second consecutive year and features regulars Steve Burton, Danny “Mr. D” Sparks, and three other guest performers every Sunday night at 9pm at The Mausoleum (411 Westheimer) in Huston, TX. There is a $3 cover charge for the show and the proceeds go to IBM Ring #39. For info on the show or if you are in the area and want to perform phone: 281-376-2487.(3/24)

NEW HAMPSHIRE: The eleventh annual magic auction sponsored by the IBM and SAM clubs in Manchester, NH, Nashua, NH, and Portland, ME takes place at the Meadowbrook Inn, (Lafayette Rd., Route 1) in Portsmouth on Sunday Mar. 26 at Noon. Admission is $3 per person. For more information phone: B.J. Hickman at 603-742-4010 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 817 / Saturday – March 25, 2000
Steven Kline will be presenting magic at the pre-game show at Columbus Crew’s soccer game on Saturday. Klein is featured in a Columbus Dispatch article about his business of providing magic for corporate events, outdoor spectaculars and even close-up magic for restaurants. He describes the benefits of large scale productions, “Bigger shows mean a less hectic performance schedule but more intensive preparation — up to 50 hours of planning, designing and construction, in some cases.” To read the Mar. 24 Lee Stratton article click: HERE.(3/25)

VOLUME: 27 / ISSUE: 818 / Sunday – March 26, 2000
Johnny Thompson has been announced as the recipient of the 2000 “Louie Award.” Thompson and his wife Pam are well known for their classic act as Tomsoni & Co. and have traveled around the world performing and teaching magic. Their contributions to the art of magic are too numerous to mention and their kindness and help to their fellow performers is beyond reproach. The award will be given during Tannen’s 38th annual Magic Jubilee in Monticello, NY on Nov. 3-5. For more information phone Tannen’s at: 212-929-4500 or e-mail:

Michael Chaut, R.J. Lewis, Todd Robbins, Jamy Ian Swiss, Simon Lovell, and Larry Roberts appear at Monday Night Magic on Mar. 27 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(3/26)
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