MT: June 19-25, 2000

VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 903 / Monday – June 19, 2000 
The Society of American Magicians’ Annual Convention has begun getting press. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a story about Mayor John O. Norquist proclaiming Magic Week in Milwaukee for the occasion. Four of the convention shows are open to the public at the Pabst Theater on Jun. 21-24  at 8pm. Among the events scheduled are free magic shows at the Grand Avenue Mall, by SAM #61 members, everyday at noon and 12:30pm. To read the Jun. 15 article by Jan Uebelherr titled “Nothing up its sleeve?” click: HERE.(6/19)

Bruce Cervon, Earl Nelson, John Carney, T. C. Tahoe, Jason Tong, Jason Baney, Dan Birch, Doug Hoover appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jun. 19-25. Petrick & Mia lectures on Sunday Jun. 25.(6/19)

A scathing and sarcastic review of Paul Daniel’s autobiography, Under No Illusion, is in the Jun. 18 issue of the Mail On Sunday. To read the review titled “Cocky little man who pulls girls out of a hat” supplied by Infoseek and Yellowbrix click: HERE.(6/19)
–To buy a copy of the book from Amazon UK click: HERE.

CALIFORNIA: Jay Sankey lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop at the West Bay Conference Center (1290 Fillmore at Eddy) in San Francisco on Tuesday Jun. 20 at 7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(6/19)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 904 / Tuesday – June 20, 2000 
Rev. William V. Rauscher will be giving a lecture and slide presentation about the life of Servais Le Roy, “Monarch Of Mystery,” at the Keansburg Historical Society Museum (59 Carr Ave) in Keansburg, NJ. Keansburg was Le Roy’s hometown and the presentation will be based on Rauscher and Caveney’s “Servais Le Roy: Monarch Of Mystery” book published by Magic Words in 1999. The lecture takes place on Wednesday Jun. 21 at 8pm. There is no contact or admission price information available at this time.(6/20)
–The presentation has been moved to the Manning Fire House (Main Street) in Keansburg, NJ. For more information phone: 732-787-0739.(6/21)

Ann Logan Thomas, wife of the late Phil Thomas, co-owner of Baltimore’s Yogi Magic Mart, and a magician in her own right died on Jun. 10 at the age of 77 at the Lifecare Center of America in Cleveland, TN. A memorial service is scheduled on Tuesday Jun. 20 in Cleveland. For more information from the Baltimore Sun click: HERE.(6/20)

An article about the use of high-tech illusions in magic appeared in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The article is in conjunction with the upcoming Society of American Magicians annual convention. Mentioned and quoted in the article are Murray, Jay Sterling, David Seebach, and Kohl & Company. To read the Jun. 18 article by Jan Uebelherr titled “No more rabbit tricks: Magicians use mix of technology, classic tricks to keep acts magical” click: HERE.(6/20)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 905 / Wednesday – June 21, 2000 
The 15th annual Meadowlands Fair which is held in and around Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey on Jun. 22 – Jul. 9 is one of the largest ones in the country. This year’s performers include Peter Gossamer with several shows per day (except 7/1), Hypnotist Steve Bayner (one of the best you will see), and Steve Trash (an ecological magic show). The fair also has dozens of carnival illusions like a “12 inch horse,” “a woman with the body of a snake,” etc… where you will pay around $2 for the honor of viewing them. Admission to the fair is $3-$8 and includes the cost of the shows. For more information click: HERE.(6/21)

VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 906 / Thursday – June 22, 2000 
WISCONSIN: The Society of American Magicians’ annual convention takes place on Jun. 21-24 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Milwaukee. Performers this year include: Eugene Burger, Steve Draun, Terry Seabrooke, Tim Ellis, Murray Hatfield, Gerry, Al Schneider, Tony Stevens, David Stone, Jay Sterling, Jamahl Keyes, Kohl & Company, Howard Mincone, Bravo Nakaya, David Oliver, The Evasons, Farquahar & Felicity, Murray, Tesseract, Peter Lohmann, and David Nagymolnar. There will also be daily shows open to the public at the Pabst Theater. For more information click: HERE.(6/22)

Damian, “The Magic of Damian,” will be performing close-up magic in the New York City area this week. He will be at Krash (a nightclub in Queens) on Jun. 23 and Jul. 1, at the Copa (57th Street and 11th Ave) in Manhattan on Jun. 27 and at the Amazura (a nightclub in Queens) on Jun. 30. The Jun 5 issue of the New York Observer described him as, “a modern-day artful dodger who can remove your wristwatch while shaking your hand, so remember to tip generously.”(6/22)

David Blaine reappears in a New York Post article where he is pitching his first book tentatively titled, “Mysterious Stranger,” which will contain clues to a buried treasure chest filled with gold coins. Also mentioned is his next TV special, his freezing himself in a block of ice, and next years’ TV special and a stunt where he will be hung upside-down from a building. To read the Jun. 21 article by Keith J. Kelly titled “Back From The Dead With A Book” click: HERE.(6/22)

Roy’s mother, Johanna Horn, died on Jun. 17 at the age of 86. Mrs. Horn has lived in Las Vegas for the past 30 years and according to Bernie Yuman, she was “intricately involved in the entire Siegfried & Roy organization, from the costuming to the raising of the animals.” Services were held on Wednesday at Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic Church. To read the Jun. 20 Las Vegas Review-Journal article titled “Illusionist’s mother Johanna Horn dies” click: HERE.(6/22)

VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 907 / Friday – June 23, 2000
After a long absence the Herman Hanson Assembly #9 has decided to resurrect their Magicale convention. For many years this was considered as one of the best magic conventions in the US. Calling this year’s event “Magicale 2000” they have already booked an outstanding lineup for the one day event which culminates with a full evening show at the Copley Theater in Boston, MA. Booked so far are: Mike Caveney, Tina Lenert, Christopher Hart, George Saterial, Meir Yedid, Aldo Colombini, The Majestix, Hank Moorehouse, David Oliver, and Bob Little. The event takes place on Saturday Oct. 14 and the registration is $65 per person. Show tickets range from $25-$30. For more information click: HERE.(6/23)

Alain Nu is called “…a magician of the highest order. To watch him is to throw out all the rules of physics. Time and space are malleable in Nu’s deft hands. He does close-up card tricks, he does larger scale stage tricks; but it’s truly magical magic, not just some hokey stunts.” To read the Jun. 21 Washington Post article by Eric Brace click: HERE.(6/23)

The SAM continues to get press as, Michael J. Cudahy, a philanthropist donated a million dollars for an addition to the Pabst Theater which they are using. As part of the ceremony Bob Bohm sawed  Cudahy in half. To read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Jun. 21 article by Nick Sargent titled “$1 million donated for theater: Cudahy helps work magic for Pabst Wintergarden” click: HERE.(6/23)

AUSTRALIA: Harvey Berg lectures on Jun. 25 at 7:30pm in Auckland (contact:, on Jun. 27 at 7:30pm in Wellington (contact:, and on Jun. 29 at 7:30pm in Christchurch (contact:
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 908 / Saturday – June 24, 2000 
Juliana Chen will be performing at both the IBM Convention in Buffalo, NY (Jul. 5-8) and at FISM in Lisbon, Portugal (Jul. 3-8). It seems that NHK-TV, which will be taping FISM for Japanese TV, requested that Chen be booked as one of the performers — as she received an enthusiastic response from their viewers when the last FISM special aired three years ago. The organizers of both conventions worked out the logistics so she can appear at both conventions — which run simultaneously. The NHK-TV special is scheduled to air in September. For more information and to read the Jun. 23 Canadian Newswire release click: HERE.(6/24)

Mark Presley performs on Sunday Jun. 25 at 1:30pm at the Cary Days Millennium Fest at Lions Park in Cary, IL.(6/24)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 909 / Sunday – June 25, 2000
David Copperfield, who was accompanied by his parents, received the “Magician of the Millennium Award” from the International Federation of Magical Societies (FISM) on Monday Jun. 19 in Lisbon. The award was handed to him by Maria Carrilho, the minister of Culture — he also received a special piece of art depicting the FISM 2000 logo made by José de Guimarães. The event was a prelude to the upcoming FISM convention on Jul. 3-8 in Portugal where more than 2,000 magicians are expected to attend. For more information about FISM 2000 click: HERE.(6/25)

Jay “Sterling” Stoltzfus is featured in a Lancaster Intelligencer Journal article. The article is about his performance and lecture at the Society of American Magicians annual convention. He said about his act, “When I walk out, there are very few props… I think it’s more magical that I have very little to work with. It’s like walking on stage with a simple violin. It’s almost more impressive to get great sounds out of it instead of a synthesizer.” To read the Jun. 22 article titled “A showcase for a simply magical act Stoltzfus to perform at national magicians’ convention in Wis.” click: HERE.(6/25)

David Oliver, Jamy Ian Swiss, Todd Robbins, Rocco, and Peter Samelson appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 26 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(6/25)
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