MT: July 5-11, 1999

VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 553 / Monday – July 5, 1999
Susan Kang and Barry Taylor’s Psychic Ghost Theatre, has been nominated for the “Helen Hayes Award for Theatrical Excellence.” This is the first time a magic based show has been nominated for this honor. In deciding the winners in the category 21 judges will be seeing the show on different nights. The award ceremony will be at the Kennedy Center in March 2000 with the winner usually ending up performing on Broadway. We wish them the best of luck.(7/5)

Eric Paul is appearing nightly in the John Stuart Production, “Jukebox Jubilee,” through Aug. 29 at the Lily Langtry Dinner Theater in Valley Forge, PA. For tickets phone: 610-337-2000.(7/5)

Penn Jillette appears on a rerun (from last year) of Politically Incorrect on Wednesday Jul. 7 at 12:06am on ABC-TV (US).(7/5)

The Magician episode of “Matlock” has him defending a magician accused of murder on Tuesday Jul. 6 at noon ET on TBS-TV (US-cable).(7/5)

Johnny Mysto Boy Wizard (1996) has Los Angeles magician being whisked away to King Arthur’s court on Tuesday Jul. 6 at 3pm, Jul. 12 at 2:50pm and Jul. 23 at 4:35pm ET on STARZ-TV (US-cable).(7/5,13)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 554 / Tuesday – July 6, 1999
Lance Burton who “is now one of the highest-grossing magicians on the Strip” said, When you study magic all your life you don’t often get that feeling you got when you first saw it–that wonder, that amazement. I don’t get that often now, although I still do once in a while when I see a great trick and say, “That’s the greatest thing in the world.” To read the interview by Sam Bruchey which appeared in the Jul. 5 Los Angeles Times click: HERE.(7/6)

Bruce Cervon, Aldo Colombini, Terry Seabrooke, Steve Valentine, Jason Tong, Loren C. Michaels, Yonkany & Anabel, and Bob Stone appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jul. 6-11. Aldo Colombini lectures on Sunday Jul. 11.(7/6)

NEW JERSEY: Michel and Greco (owners of Vernet Magic) will lecture on Wednesday Jul. 7 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Penn. R.R. Ave., two blocks from AMTRAK station) in Linden, New Jersey. For more information phone Al Hillman at: 732-257-3456. Cost to non-members is $12.(7/6)

The classic 1953 Houdini movie starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh airs on Wednesday Jul. 7 at 6:15pm and midnight ET on AMC-TV (US-cable).(7/6)

Tim Gabrielson performs on Crook & Chase on Wednesday Jul. 7 at 3pm ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(7/6)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 555 / Wednesday – July 7, 1999
“The Vegas Cabaret Revue” produced by Dixie Dooley opens on Jul. 7 at the Casino Royale in Las Vegas (across from the Mirage). The show features Dixie Dooley, and will have guest magicians on occasion. It is scheduled to run Tues.-Sat. at 8:30pm. Dooley will also be opening a daytime show called The Magic of Houdini in August. For more information click: HERE.(7/7)

Siegfried & Roy, The Magic, The Mystery reruns on Thursday Jul. 8 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(7/7)

Houdini: Unlocking His Secrets with performances by Lance Burton, Brett Daniels, David Williamson and the Pendragons on Thursday Jul. 8 at 8pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(7/7)

A French girl falls in love with a carnival magician in the 1953 movie “Lili” on Thursday Jul. 8 at 7:30am ET on TCM-TV (US-cable).(7/7)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 556 / Thursday – July 8, 1999
Tom Burke, a student of Dai Vernon’s who remained an underground figure in card magic, died on Wednesday Jul. 7. He was around 80 years old and will be buried this week in Jersey City, New Jersey. He can be seen briefly in one of the still photos reproduced in the new Vernon documentary The Spirit of Magic. Vernon always mentioned Burke when talking about the one-hand top palm. Not only was Burke one of the best at it, he also had a unique way of practicing it.(7/8)

Murray Hatfield & Teresa, Greg Frewin, Juliana Chen, Ed Alonzo and Nicholas Night & Kinga will be starring in “Stars of Illusion” at the 1999 Calgary Stampede on Jul. 9-18 in Canada. Hatfield who produces the show will be taking an 8000 seat arena and converting it into a 4000 seat theatre by bringing in a 40 x 60 foot stage, full trussing and draping, 100,000 watts of lighting and 2 10 x 14 video projection screens.(7/8)

A magic themed episode of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues titled “Magic Trick” airs on Friday Jul. 9 at 3pm ET on TNT-TV (US-cable).(7/8)

Ricky Jay stars in David Mamet’s 1988 movie “Things Change” on Friday Jul. 9 at 2:30am and 4pm, Jul. 20 at 11pm and Jul. 21 at 12:30pm ET on BRAVO-TV (US-cable).(7/8,13)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 557 / Friday – July 9, 1999
Eric Citron performs his new illusion show “Are you out of your Mind” at the Vacation Village Hotel in the Catskills on Jul. 10 at 10:30pm. Featured illusions in this 40-minute comedy illusion show are: The Death Ray 2000, The Acme Clean Machine, The Shrink Machine, The Acme Brain Washer, The Prison Break and The Puppet Master. For more information phone Arlene Silverstein at: 914-436-8359.(7/9)

A very rare occurrence at the IBM competitions in Little Rock. The Gold Medal was given to George Sateriale from Massachusetts and the Gold Cups were given to Oscar Munoz from Texas. What is rare is that neither award is usually given out and this could be the first time both were given out the same year.(7/9)

The Ohio Court of Common Pleas in Cincinnati upheld the position of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, denying injunctions sought by Plaintiffs on Jun. 28. Judge Cartolano also stated to Plaintiff Weissenberger that in the court’s opinion “there’s very little likelihood that you would be successful on a trial on the merits.” Looks like we will have wait and see what is next. To read the I.B.M.’s press release click: HERE.(7/9)

OHIO: Daytona Magic will be giving one of their Dealer Shows on Monday Jul. 12 at 8pm for the Youngstown Magic Club, IBM Ring #2. The meeting is held at the McDonald’s (Basement Meeting Room) in Canfield. For more information phone Tom Craven at: 330-673-6678.(7/9)

ENGLAND: Simon Aronson is doing an exclusive lecture for Opus on Saturday Jul. 10 at the Yorkshire Grey Brewery (corner of Theobalds Road and Grays Inn Road in London). This is a full day event which will feature a second lecturer and a buffet. Cost for the day is £20. For more information phone: 0171 323 8214 or e-mail:

Super Psychics which features several magicians and mentalists airs on Saturday Jul. 10 at 4pm ET on DSC-TV (US-cable).(7/9)
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 558 / Saturday – July 10, 1999
Garin Bader’s “The Magic of Music” show comes to the Huntington Beach Library & Cultural Center (7111 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach, CA) this weekend. Bader combines the performance of music with magic. Peter Reveen (Lance’s manager) said, “He’s headed for very, very big things, …It’s not a local boy making good, it’s a local boy making great.” To read the Jul. 8 article by Sean Stowell which appeared in the LA Times click: HERE.(7/10)

Magicians affected by the rain in Las Vegas were: Rick Thomas who missed one of his two shows at the Tropicana. Lance Burton and Steve Wyrick canceled their shows while David Copperfield planned to perform at Caesars Palace. To read the Jul. 9 Las Vegas Review Journal article by Mike Weatherford click: HERE.(7/10)

ENGLAND: David Roth, who recently hurt his ankle while backstage at the Ricky Jay show, will be lecturing at the Magic Circle (12 Stephenson Way, Euston, London, NW1 2HD) on Monday Jul. 12 at 8:30pm. The event is free to members. Non-members who wish to attend can e-mail: (7/10)

PENNSYLVANIA: Michel and Greco (owners of Vernet Magic) will lecture for IBM Ring #6 on Monday Jul. 12 at 7:30pm. It will be held at their new meeting place (C.C. Hancock United Methodist Church in Springfield). It is free to members and $10 for non-members. For more information click: HERE. (7/10).
VOLUME: 19 / ISSUE: 559 / Sunday – July 11, 1999
Michel Nostradamus’ final prediction was that the world would come to an end in July 1999, more than 430 years after his death. James Randi, who wrote “The Mask of Nostradamus,” in 1990 debunking the prophet says, “He [Nostradmus] made 104 verifiable predictions, in which he actually named a place or a person or a time, …He’s been wrong on 103 of the 104. We can’t find out about the 104th until [July]. We’ll have to wait to see if he has a perfect record.” To read the Jul. 5 article by Rich Miller which is distributed by Religion News Service click: HERE.(7/11)

Tom Durnin, Michael Chaut, Simon Lovell, and David Kaye appear at Monday Night Magic on Jul. 12 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(7/11)

Lance Burton and his animals are featured on a rerun of Amazing Tails on Tuesday Jul. 13 at 6:30pm ET on ANPLAN-TV (US-cable).(7/11)
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