MT: January 17-23, 2000

VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 749 / Monday – January 17, 2000
John Measner who got his big break on the Gong Show in the late 1970s performed at the Comedy Forum in St. Peters on Sunday. In a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article chronicling his career he is quoted as saying, “The things I’m doing now would be like devil worshipping in the ’20s, …If you fool ’em, great, but if you entertain them, that’s more important.” To read the Jan. 13 article supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(1/17)

Mike Caveney, Tina Lenert, John Gaughan, T. C. Tahoe, Danny Archer, Steve Valentine, Michael Forbes, and Dan Jordan appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jan. 17-23. Danny Archer lectures on Sunday Jan. 23.(1/17)

Monday, Jan. 17
“Magic tricks” on America’s Funniest People on Monday Jan. 17 at 3:10am ET on TBS-TV (US-cable).(1/16)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 750 / Tuesday – January 18, 2000
Professor Putter (Michael Makman) and his new book MetroCard Mania with Professor Putter are featured in a New York Post article. The book teaches you how to make butterflies, dogs, doll-house furniture, Boomerangs, etc… from the cards used by commuters to board trains and busses. He calls the art Metrogami. Putter also makes his Metrogami creations as refrigerator magnets which are sold in the New York Transit Museum. Putter is described as, “…one of the great scientist-entertainers of our time,” and “… the toast of the birthday-party and magic-show circuit.” To read the Jan. 17 article by Gersh Kuntzman click: HERE.
–To purchase a copy of Metrocard Mania with Professor Putter for only $3.99 click: HERE.(1/18)

Jason Ace performs for the Miami-Dade School Board’s Town Hall meeting on Jan. 19 at 7pm at the Glades Middle School, 9451 SW 64th St. in Miami, FL. For more information phone: 305-995-1335 or click: HERE.(1/18)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 751 / Wednesday – January 19, 2000
The Magic Castle is featured in the Montreal Gazette. In addition to a description of the castle and the nightly shows the article pointed out that, “…even the architecture of the Castle is deceptive. It’s almost three times bigger on the inside than the outside. How’s that done?” To read the Jan. 15 article by Diane Butler click: HERE.(1/19)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 752 / Thursday – January 20, 2000 
Lisa Menna is featured in a San Francisco Examiner article. The article is not about her magic though — it seems that she was served an eviction notice on New Year’s Eve — and it wasn’t a joke. To read the Jan. 14 article by Gregory Lewis click: HERE.(1/20)

SOUTH CAROLINA: The South Carolina Association of Magicians (SCAM) holds its Fifth Annual Convention on Jan. 21-22. Booked so far are Jeff McBride, Mark Mason, Paul Cummins, Dave Tanner, Matt Fore, John Verbeck, Jeff Roper, and John Tudor. A portion of the proceeds from SCAM will go to benefit The  Make A Wish Foundation. For more information click: HERE.(1/20)

Thursday, Jan. 20
Hans Klok: Illusions of the New Millennium on Thursday Jan. 20 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(1/18)
Baywatch: Tower of Power features an escape artist on Thursday Jan. 20 at 4pm ET on USA-TV (US-cable).(1/18)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 753 / Friday – January 21, 2000
Dana Daniels, Jonathan Neal & Liane, Mystina, The Passing Zone, and Nicholas Night & Kinga appear in the 10th consecutive Stars Of Magic show produced by Dale Salwak at the Robert B. Moore Theatre (2701 Fairview Road) in Costa Mesa, CA. The star studded show takes place this Saturday Jan. 22 at 8pm. Tickets range from $14 for children up to $33 at the door. For tickets or more information phone: 714-432-5880, press 1.(1/21) featured two articles about the Amazing Maleeni, X-Files episode which aired last Sunday. Both articles appeared on Jan. 17 and were written by Kenneth Silber.
–To read: Spoilers: The X-Files – ‘Amazing Maleeni’ click: HERE.
–To read: In the X-Files, ‘Amazing Maleeni’ Not So Amazing click: HERE.(1/21)

Friday, Jan. 21
Don’t Try This at Home episode of Magic’s Greatest Illusions features rare footage from the Magic Castle archives and a segment with street magicians in India on Friday Jan. 21 at 8pm and 11pm and Jan. 23 at 4pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(1/19)
Nothing Up My Sleeve episode of Magic’s Greatest Illusions episode examines the seven principles of magic and features Doug Henning’s performance of the Chinese water torture escape on Friday Jan. 21 at 9pm and midnight ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(1/19)
Now You See It episode of Magic’s Greatest Illusions has Robert Gallop doing an escape and a trip to Hong Kong to find the birthplace of the Linking Rings on Friday Jan. 21 at 10pm and Jan. 22 at 1am ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(1/19)
World’s Greatest Magic IV on Friday Jan. 21 at 6pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(1/19)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 754 / Saturday – January 22, 2000
A new Houdini biography debuts as part of PBS’s American Experience Series. Narrated by Mandy Patinkin the show features interviews with David Copperfield, James Randi, Ken Silverman, Dorothy Young, David De-Val, E.L. Doctorow, Don Wilmeth, and Al Hirschfeld. Bob Fellows will be recreating some of Houdini’s most famous feats. In conjunction with the special PBS has created an extensive website promoting the show. The site contains transcripts to all the interviews, film clips, poster and book reproductions and much more. To visit the site click: HERE. The show airs on Monday Jan. 24 at 9pm, Jan. 27 at 12:30am and Jan. 30 at 7pm ET on WNET-TV (US-PBS). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(1/22)

Lincoln Bond spent New Year’s Eve performing a magic marathon to benefit sick children at the Santa Clarita United Methodist Church. To read all about it in the Dec. 28, 1999 Los Angeles Daily News click: HERE.(1/22)

ENGLAND: Wayne Dobson will present his new “A Kind of Magic” lecture for the Magic Circle in London on Monday Jan. 24. This Meeting is for members only.(1/22)

Saturday, Jan. 22
Science of Magic hosted by Harry Anderson and featuring an array of popular magicians on Saturday Jan. 22 at 9pm, Jan. 23 at 1am and Jan. 29 at 4pm ET on DSC-TV (US-cable).(1/20)
Now You See It -See 1/21.(1/20)
Playing Cards – Part 1 episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Jan. 22 at 7am ET on Discovery Canada.(1/20)
Playing Cards – Part 2 episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Jan. 22 at 7:30am ET on Discovery Canada.(1/20)
The Great Halls Of Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Saturday Jan. 22 at 11:30pm ET on Discovery Canada.(1/20)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 755 / Sunday – January 23, 2000
Ricky Jay teams up with Fay Faron for a TV special titled, “Rip-Offs and Scams,” which is scheduled to air in March on Court-TV in the US. The show which is part of the Crime Stories series will, “expose viewers to the shadowy world of grifters and con artists. From tried and true classics like three-card Monte to future fraud in cyberspace, Rip-Offs and Scams breaks down the cons to show viewers how not to get suckered.” To find out more and read Court TV’s Jan. 19 press release about the show click: HERE.(1/23)

Torkova, Michael Chaut, Rocco, and Jamy Ian Swiss appear at Monday Night Magic on Jan. 24 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(1/23)

Sunday, Jan. 23
Science of Magic -See 1/22.(1/21)Don’t Try This at Home -See 1/21.(1/21)
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