MT: January 14-20, 2002

VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,477 / Monday – January 14, 2002
The Stars of Magic Show produced by Dale Salwak is previewed in a Los Angeles Times article which quotes Amos Levkovitch saying that he was born to be a magician. Levkovitch explained, “That’s the truth, like you are born a musician or a painter or an artist a sculptor… I think the first time I was exposed I went, ‘Wow!’ It took me like a storm and I am still carrying the disease.” The article also looks at how some of the magicians in the show became interested in magic. Featured performers include Ed Alonzo, Dana Daniels, and Chuck Jones. To read the Jan. 12 article by Jennifer K Mahal titled ” The stars of magic to come out” click: HERE.(1/14)

Clyde Keeley and his Magic Shop are featured in a Muncie Star Press article which points out that “After 10 years in business, even magicians haven’t made the Magic Shop turn a profit. That doesn’t bother Keeley, though. Keeping prices low makes young magicians-in-training appear out of thin air, browsing his well-stocked shelves.” To read the Jan. 13 article by John Carlson titled “Items at this store disappear like magic” click: HERE.(1/14)

Tomas Kubinek who is a variety artist that uses magic, acrobatics, clowning, and comedy is profiled in an Indianapolis Star article. To read the Jan. 13 article by Kelly Kendall titled “Bouncing Czech” click: HERE.(1/14)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,478 / Tuesday – January 15, 2002
SOUTH CAROLINA: The 7th Annual South Carolina Association of Magicians  (S.C.A.M.) takes place on Jan. 18-19 in Columbia where headliners include “The Great Tomsoni & Company,” Max Howard, Duane Laflin, Howie Marmer, Bob Little, Big Daddy Cool, Wild Magic, Phil Willmarth, Johnnie Moore, Jr., Jayson Morrison, and John Daniels. This year’s convention has a theme of “Magic In Character,” that of magicians who take on a different personality and image for their performances. There will also be special lectures, performances and a Saturday Night Gala which is open to the public. For more information click: HERE.(1/15)

William E. Neal who presented a four-hour mentalism and hypnosis show is reviewed in the Pottsville Republican where they state that he, “…persuaded about 300 people in the auditorium that their house and car keys were bending uncontrollably, before their eyes.” The show was a benefit for a high school newspaper. To read the Jan. 14 article by Rory Schuler titled “Key-bending magician astonishes crowd” click: HERE.(1/15)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,479 / Wednesday – January 16, 2002
Benjamin Curtis who plays “Steven” in the Dell Computers TV commercials has become very popular. Curtis who is a magician and former student at Tannen’s Magic Camp is featured in a USA Today article, which quotes him about his popularity, “It’s pretty intense… I’ve been in people’s living rooms for a year. They feel like they know me.” The article also mentions his interest in magic; “Curtis began doing magic at age 4 and has been a professional magician since age 13.” Currently attending school and living in New York City, Curtis grew up in Chattanooga, TN. To read the Jan. 14 article by Michael McCarthy titled “A lot of people find Steven pretty lovable” click: HERE.(1/16)

Benjamin Curtis was also featured in a Wall Street Journal article which pointed out that “The ‘Dell Guy’ boasts one of the largest advertising fan club message boards on Yahoo, with 535 members.” Curtis also auditioned recently for a roll in “Terminator III.” To read the Jan. 10 article by Suzanne Vranica titled “Another Advertising Star Is Born As Viewers Embrace Dell’s Pitchman” click: HERE.(1/16)

David Copperfield begins his US tour by spending most of January in Florida. You can catch his “Portal” show at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Ft. Lauderdale (Jan. 18-20), Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre in Orlando (21-22), Lakeland Center Youkey Theatre in Lakeland (23), King Center For The Performing Arts in Melbourne (25-26), Ruby Diamond in Tallahassee (28-29), the Saenger Theatre in Pensacola (Jan. 30), and Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, TN (31).(1/16)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,480 / Thursday – January 17, 2002
“Puzzlers’ Tribute: A feast For The Mind” is a new book by David Wolfe and Tom Rodgers which is a tribute to Martin Gardner and features contributions from his fans and friends. The book includes more than 400 pages of magic, puzzles, math, science, games, essays, topology, origami, and much more. Magicians represented in the book are: Jerry Andrus, Tyler Barrett, Russell Barnhart, Gordon Bean, Arthur Benjamin, Harry Eng, Brain Epstein, Ken Fletcher, Bob Friedhoffer, Martin Gardner, Ray Hyman, William Kalush, Scott Kim, Max Maven, Mark Setteducatti, Allan Slaight, Mel Stover, Larry White, Ron Wohl, and Meir Yedid. The non-magician contributors are leaders in the science, puzzle and math world. There is literally something for every type of thinking person included here. Of interest to many would be Kalush’s essay on “Sleight of Hand with Playing Cards prior to Scot’s Discoverie,” Kim’s “Inversions” and Eng’s method of inserting coins in bottles. Many of the contributors are considered geniuses in their field and to understand some of the essays and theories you too might need to be a genius. The special edition book is available from for $35. To order click: HERE.(1/17)

Kenley Browne who performs at the annual Magic ‘N’ Miracles Benefit Magic Show — Illusions 2002 is featured in a Calgary Sun article. To read the Jan. 16 article by Chris Gerritsen titled “Haggis ready to fly city’s friendly sky” click: HERE.(1/17)

Skilldini (Tim Wright) performs with the Amazing Johnathan on Jan. 15-20 at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas. For tickets phone: 702-386-8100.(1/17)
Penelope Cruz and Tom Cruise with Siegfried & Roy backstage at the Mirage in Las Vegas. Just for the record, the White Siberian Tiger’s name is Titan. (Photo: Siegfried & Roy).(1/17)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,481 / Friday – January 18, 2002
Lance Burton has been voted as “Favorite Magician” in the 3rd Annual Visitor’s Choice Awards, which are voted on by the readers of What’s On, The Las Vegas Guide. Burton was the only magician who won an award in any category. He will be featured in the Feb. 19-Mar. 4 issue of What’s On. To read the Jan. 17 press release titled “What’s On, The Las Vegas Guide Unveils The Winners Of The 2002 Visitor’s Choice Awards” click: HERE.(1/18)

O.P. Sharma who is running for a seat in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly in India is getting 200 magicians to help him win by having them “hypnotise voters.” Annanova reported that he to is a magician who “…has staged 26,000 shows during his career.” To read the Jan. 17 article titled “Magician-turned-politician to get friends to hypnotise voters” click: HERE.(1/18)

A Children’s book about a magician titled “Daughter of the Great Zandini” by Cary Fagan is reviewed in Resource Links. To read the Jan. 12 review by Connie Forst titled “Daughter of the Great Zandini” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(1/18)
–To buy the book for $13.56 click: HERE.

Paul Daniels buys a Mark II ClamBoat at the Earl’s Court Boat Show. According to a Yachting Monthly Daniels said, “It is easy to stow away. I live on the River Thames and my grandchildren, nephews and nieces are going to love this.” To read the Jan. 17 article titled “Magician Paul Daniels buys a ClamBoat” click: HERE.(1/18)

CALIFORNIA: Martin Lewis is lecturing on Monday Jan. 21 at 7pm at Mind Over Magic (2214 Burbank Blvd) in Burbank. Admission is $30 per person. For reservations phone: 818-562-1921.(1/18)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,482 / Saturday – January 19, 2002
Monday Night Magic opens at their new location on Jan. 21 at 8pm with their very talented board of directors performing. It is a rare opportunity to see Frank Brents, Michael Chaut, Todd Robbins, Peter Samelson, and Jamy Ian Swiss on the same bill and their varied styles and expertise will present an outstanding show. The new venue is The McGinn/Cazale Theatre (2162 Broadway, 76th Street) in New York City. We understand the show has already sold out but you might give it a try by phoning: 212-615-6432. For more information click: HERE.(1/19)
–For a MNM Spotlight article click: HERE.

CALIFORNIA: Danny Archer lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop in San Francisco on Wednesday Jan. 23 at7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(1/19)
VOLUME: 49 / ISSUE: 1,483 / Sunday – January 20, 2002
Gary Ouellet’s latest vehicle is reviewed in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Tease,” a musical about a strip club and it’s characters opened at the Blue Note at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. The show is directed by Ouellet who also wrote 10 of the songs in the show. The review commends Ouellet, “Ten of the 16 songs are original, an impressive first-time effort by Ouellet, who usually works with magicians and produced “The World’s Greatest Magic” specials for NBC.” To read the Jan. 18 review by Mike Weatherford titled “Strip clubs get a musical salute in new show ‘Tease'” click: HERE.(1/20)

Rick Thomas received a “Magician of the Year” award on Jan. 17 from the Academy of Magical Arts. A Las Vegas Sun article pointed out that, “…the academy powers-that-be are genuine experts who each year present awards to the best magicians in the world.” To read the Jan. 18 article by Kate Maddox titled “Odds are, DeLuca’s on target” click: HERE.(1/20)

Lance Burton talks about his friend Clint Holmes in a Las Vegas Sun article that looks at how Holmes has brought together many of the Vegas performers. Burton said, “He’s the instigator of getting all the performers together, of hanging out, having dinner… I’ve noticed a definite change in the entertainment community since his arrival.” To read the Jan. 18 article by Jerry Fink titled “Uptown guy: Indefatigable Holmes sets boundless goals” click: HERE.(1/20)

Johnny Ace Palmer, Rafael Benatar, Topas, Roxanne, Doug Brewer, Len Reid, Mark Haslam, Jim Kopperman appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Jan. 21-27.(1/20)
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