MT: December 6-12, 1999

VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 707 / Monday – December 6, 1999
In response to the MagicTimes news item of Nov. 29 Cyrene & Hardeen H. Houdini have informed us that the court case in question “…is far from over, and I’m sure once it is over, it will be appealed by either of the parties.” They further stated, “We wish we could give you more details regarding this case, but we can’t give someone the information before the court is made aware of it.” They have also informed us that they “… have not had legal representation on this case for 2 years due to financial and conflict of interest reasons.”(12/6)

Tony Clark, Rich Bloch, Bill Okal, Fred Catiller, Jim Blantz, Fitzgerald, Matt Marcy, and Joshua appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Dec. 6-12. Tony Clark lectures on Sunday Dec. 12.(12/6)

LOUISIANA: Martin Lewis lectures for IBM Ring #268 on Monday Dec. 13 at 6pm at Hollier’s Cajun Restaurant (1709 Ruth St.) in Sulphur.(12/6)

Monday, Dec. 6
Penn & Teller are scheduled to be in Times Capsule on Monday Dec. 6 at 9pm, Dec. 7 at 1am, Dec. 10 at 8pm, Dec. 11 at midnight, noon, and 4am ET on HIST-TV (US-cable).(12/5)
A death-obsessed magician on the Angel of Death episode of Touched by an Angel on Monday Dec. 6 at 9pm and Dec. 7 at 5pm ET on PXN-TV (US).(12/5)
Working Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Monday Dec. 6 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/5)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 708 / Tuesday – December 7, 1999
Martin Gardner’s latest book “Annotated Alice” which is his third edition on the subject gets a lengthy review in the New York Times. Adam Gopnik writes, “Gardner’s ‘Annotated Alice,’ which includes both ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and ‘Through the Looking Glass,’ is all an annotated book should be — a classic text illuminated, a monument with windows in it — even though, 40 years on, it also has some of the elements of a period piece. It memorializes the meeting of two remarkable eccentric minds at a particular moment in intellectual history.” To read the Dec. 5 review click: HERE. You will need to subscribe (for free) to the N.Y. Times in order to view this.(12/7)

Alain Choquette’s show at the Paris Resort in Las Vegas closed on Nov. 11. It was originally scheduled to run until early next year.(12/7)

Tuesday, Dec. 7
Penn & Teller on Times Capsule -See 12/6.(12/6)
Angel of Death -See 12/6.(12/6)
The Builder’s episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Tuesday Dec. 7 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/6)
Death By Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Tuesday Dec. 7 at 9:30pm, and Dec. 8 at 1:30am and 5:30am ET on Discovery Canada.(12/6)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 709 / Wednesday – December 8, 1999
Bruce Robinson “Doctor of Magic” presented his “Preserve and Conserve Magic Extravaganza” for the students of PS 174 in Rego Park, NY. The show was sponsored by The Department of Environmental Protection and Community School District 28 and is part of their new awareness program. Articles about this pilot program and Robinson’s show appeared in the Oct. 26 Daily News and Queens Chronicle.(12/8)

Wednesday, Dec. 8
Roscoe performs a magic act on the “Opening Night at the Boar’s Nest” episode of “Dukes of Hazzard” on Wednesday Dec. 8 at 5pm and midnight ET on TNN-TV (US-cable).(12/7)
The Magic Show episode of Noddy on Wednesday Dec. 8 at 11am and Dec. 22 at 11am ET on WNET-TV (US-PBS). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(12/7,10)
Death By Magic -See 12/7.
The Great Halls Of Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Dec. 8 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/7)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 710 / Thursday – December 9, 1999 
Ricky Jay plays an executive producer of a game show in P.T. Anderson’s (Boogie Nights) new movie “Magnolia.” Look carefully and you will see Jay’s book “Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women” on a coffee table in one of the scenes. The 3+ hour movie stars Tom Cruise with an all star cast. Magnolia was just named as a runner up for the best picture of the year by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures.(12/9)

Thursday, Dec. 9
Great Magic of Las Vegas II featuring Larry Jennings, Mike Michaels, Greg Frewin, Arian Black, and Professor Bubbles on Thursday Dec. 9 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(12/8)
The Business Of Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Thursday Dec. 9 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/8)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 711 / Friday – December 10, 1999
Le Grand David’s Anthology of Stage Magic will appear on Saturday Dec. 11 and Tuesday Dec. 28 at 2pm at the Larcom Theatre (13 Wallis Street) in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(12/10)

Friday, Dec. 10
Penn & Teller on Times Capsule -See 12/6.(12/9)
The Royal Dynasty episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Friday Dec. 10 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(12/9)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 712 / Saturday – December 11, 2000
Tony Blanco Magic & Mirth has just renewed his contract with the Excalibur Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas where he can be seen several times a day (Wed-Sun) on the Court Jester stage (2nd floor). When not at the Excalibur Blanco can be seen doing walk-around magic at the restaurants and in the Boulevard Area of the Paris Hotel & Casino.(12/11)

Saturday, Dec. 11
Penn & Teller on Times Capsule -See 12/6.(12/10)
Unmasked! Exposing the Secrets of Deception -See 12/5.(12/10)
VOLUME: 24 / ISSUE: 713 / Sunday – December 12, 2000
The legendary New York comedy magician Bobby Baxter, who is now in his 80’s, headlines the Monday Night Magic show with Torkova and Gene Turner. Tickets for the Dec. 13 show at the Sullivan Street Playhouse are available from Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(12/12)
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