MT: December 21-27, 1998

VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 357 / Monday – December 21, 1998
The Magic Castle, Magicopolis and Wizardz Magic Dinner Theater, all in Southern California are the best magic venues in the world. All three are reviewed and compared by Wayne Kawamoto in the Dec. 18 issue of Entertainment Today. The magazines’ cover story also features some color photos of the performers. To read the full story click: HERE.(12/21)

Paul Green, Joycee Beck, Dylan Sardo, Andrew Goldenhersh, Mark Haslam, Enrico De La Vega, Luna Shemada, and J. C. Dunn appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Dec. 21-27. (12/21)

A rerun of “Mysteries & Scandals” which featured Harry Houdini. Among the magicians appearing on the show is Lance Burton. The show airs on Tuesday Dec. 22 at 7:30pm and again on the 23rd at 9:30am and 5pm ET on E!-TV (US-cable).(12/21)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 358 / Tuesday – December 22, 1998
Lance Burton will take his live Vegas show on tour for three shows on Feb. 26, 27 and 28 at the Cerritos Center For The Performing Arts (12700 Center Court Dr., Cerritos, CA). The show titled “Lance Burton: Master Magician” is described as a daring and magical spectacular filled with beautiful assistants, a master juggler and a cast of 60 doves, making it a fun event for the entire family. Tickets are available by phone or at the box office. In California phone: 800-300-4345, from everywhere else phone: 310-916-8500. Ticket prices range from $37 to $47 each.(12/22)

David Oliver, Jon Stetson, Marcelo Contento, Mike Bent and Steve Kradolfer appear in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Dec. 22. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-1655.(12/22)

A magic themed episode of Charlie’s Angels titled “Magic Fire” has them proving that a flame-throwing magician is not an arsonist on Thursday Dec. 24 at 6am ET on TNT-TV (US-cable).(12/22)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 359 / Wednesday – December 23, 1998
Richard Robinson’s “Magic Theater” was selected as a hot site of the day in USA Today on Dec. 14. The site was placed ahead of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer site and readers were told to; “Drop by for amazing tricks with cups, balls, eggs and other magical stuff.” This is the second time one of Robinson’s sites were selected in USA Today the first was on Aug. 25. Visitors to the site were treated to performances by Richard Robinson, Bob Cassidy, and Meir Yedid. To visit Magic Theater click: HERE. To visit USA Today’s Dec. 14 picks click: HERE. For Aug. 25 click: HERE.(12/23)

Inviting a magician is discussed in the “Budget Tea Party” episode of Party at Home on Thursday Dec. 24 at 1:30pm ET on HGTV (US-cable).(12/23)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 360 / Thursday – December 24, 1998
If you missed “Penn and Teller’s Sin City Spectacular,” which is probably the best variety show to hit TV in years, this is your chance to catch up. On Friday Dec. 25 at 6pm ET, FX-TV (US-cable) will begin a six-hour marathon of six previously aired episodes. 6pm: Drew Carey, Rob Schneider, Todd Oliver & Irving, and Lou Reed. 7pm: Jerry Springer, Chester Cable, Tap Dogs, Cathy Ladman, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. 8pm: Richard Karn, Anna Nicole Smith, Dazzling Mills Family, Pork Chop Revue, and the Colorado String Quartet. 9pm: Dylan McDermott, Andy Dick and Gena Lee Nolin, Smash Mouth, and Engelbert Humperdinck. 10pm: Kip Reynolds, Whoopi Goldberg, Judge Reinhold, and Jeffrey Ross. 11pm: Todd Robbins, Gena Lee Nolin, Smash Mouth, Engelbert Humperdinck, and Fausto Scorpion Acrobats. Also look for Cheech Martin, Mac King, Otto & George and the Smothers Brothers.(12/24)

“History of Magic: Centuries of Deception,” hosted by Ricky Jay, features magicians, witches, sorcerers and shamans through the ages on Friday Dec. 25 at 10pm and Saturday Dec. 26 at 2am ET on HISTORY-TV (US-cable). This is by far the best attempt to chronicle the history of magic and should be seen by everyone who has even the slightest interest in magic.(12/24)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 361 / Friday – December 25, 1998
“Ricky Jay and His 52 Assistants” opens on Tuesday, for a 12-night run, at the Irvine Barclay Theatre (4242 Campus Dr., Irvine, CA) and will run through Jan. 9. Shows run Tues.-Sat. at 8pm. Although the shows are sold-out, 15 tickets per show were put aside to be sold on the day of the show. For more information phone: 714-740-2000. The Orange County Weekly wrote about the show; “Although Jay’s show involves nothing but the man and a deck of 52 standard playing cards, he’s as much an artist as any dancer, actor or musician who has ever stepped onstage.” To read the story by Joel Beers titled, “Meet the Great Ricky Jay Or, rather, don’t meet him,” click: HERE.(12/25)

A magic act in slow motion on “America’s Funniest People” on Saturday Dec. 26 at 8:30am ET on TBS-TV (US-cable).(12/25)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 362 / Saturday – December 26, 1998
Tetsuyoshi Hoshino who is widely known in Japan as the “Trump Man” performed for around 400 children and their parents on a special reserved train in Tokyo on Wednesday Dec. 23. The special one-hour Christmas event was organized by a nationwide association of confectionery manufactures.(12/26)
VOLUME: 12 / ISSUE: 363 / Sunday – December 27, 1998
R.J. Lewis, Dan Harlan, and Rocco appear at Monday Night Magic on Dec. 28 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(12/27)

“World’s Greatest Magic IV” on Monday with more to follow every night this week, at 9pm ET, till New Years Eve on Thursday in what the FOX Family Channel is calling “A Countdown to A Magical New Year.”(12/27)

Ayala, Jonathan David Bass, Kirby Van Birch, Lance Burton, Juliana Chen, Carl Cloutier, Raymond Crow, Dexion, Lennart Green, The Hamners, Mac King, Tim Kole, Sherry Lukas, Ken Mate, Max Maven, Tabary, and Rick Thomas on a rerun of the “World’s Greatest Magic IV” on Monday Dec. 28 at 9pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(12/27)

Carl Ballantine stars as a once-great magician attempting to regain his former expertise with the help of a magical deck of cards on the “Mr. Magic” episode of Amazing Stories on Monday Dec. 28 at 7pm ET on SCIFI-TV (US-cable).(12/27)

Ventriloquist Brad Cummings, Richard Grieco, Carmen Electra, Frank Gorshin, and Diamond Rio appear on “Penn and Teller’s Sin City Spectacular” on Sunday Dec. 27 at 10pm and will be repeated on Monday Dec. 28 at 9pm ET on FX-TV (US-cable).(12/27)
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