Source: Society Of American Magicians: Parent Assembly #1
The Honolulu Magic Community seeks contact with known pro performers / lecturers in all fields of magic who may be coming through Hawaii for business or leisure: Close-up, Stage, Cruise Ship, Corporate, Mentalist, Hypnotist, Ventriloquist, Magic Builders & Media producers.
Please contact Mike Ching, 2000 President Honolulu Assembly #89 with your thoughts/promo materials.
Mike Ching
C/O 1476 Ala Hekili Place
Honolulu, HI 96819-1427
Res/Cel (808) 836-1800
Visitor invitation: Special nights can be arranged for lectures, though Local Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at KALIHI LIBRARY, Doors open 6:30 PM. (All visiting performers welcome). Scheduled this year: May 9, June 13, July 11, Aug 8, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12 (Christmas Party).