Card Cheaters ( was a news source about gambling cheating and scams which was run by Gambling Incorporated ( from January 2005 through February 2017. Although it continued to offer a newswire through December 2022, none of that was archived. Their archives are now available here.

George Joseph is a leading authority on Casino games and has served as a consultant and security trainer for many casinos. In his latest book he demystifies the world of Hold’em Poker and Cheating at Poker by answering the 101 Most Asked Questions About Texas Hold’em and Poker Cheating.
The first half of the book covers Hold’em Poker and is full of definitions, strategies, history, advice and outlines of how the game and its many variations are played. The second half is all about cheating the games with the methods used and how to spot them. Reading this book will not make you an authority but knowing the answers to all these questions will make you sound like a Poker and cheating authority. It is highly recommended to any one who is interested in Poker or cheating.Mr. Joseph has graciously allowed us to excerpt one of the answers in the book that discusses false shuffles. For a taste of his humorous writing style and accurate information about the subject read the below excerpt and don’t forget to buy the book.
An Excerpt From George Joseph’s Poker Cheating
The 101 most asked questions about Texas Hold’em and Poker Cheating:

What Is The Most Common False Shuffle?
Of all of the false shuffles, the bottom retention false shuffle is, in my opinion, the most deceptive and most difficult to spot. I make this statement from past experience. The full deck false shuffles described previously are seldom used in actual play… there just isn’t any real reason except in some cold deck scenarios (and to show off for the girls). Stock control, the ability to know and maintain a small group of cards, is far and away the most common type of false shuffle you’ll ever encounter… and it’s what gets the money.

The cards intended to be controlled are on the bottom of the deck. A normal riffle shuffle action is employed, with this exception… the bottom cards are never mixed.
The deck is split in half as with any normal riffle shuffle. The bottom retention is accomplished by allowing the original bottom cards to fall first. The remaining cards are legitimately shuffled as normal.

The end result is the original bottom cards are still on the bottom.
A false running cut may also be utilized in an attempt to mimic the fair look of a real shuffle-up. For home games, many players use different forms of the riffle shuffle.
As you can see, it is quite simple to maintain cards on the bottom of the deck.

What comes next is the really clever part of the scheme. The cards are given a fair cut!
In order to grasp the real strength of this cheating technique you need to ask the following questions;
● How would you like to play Hold’em and have a good idea of one card in each of your opponent’s hands?

● How about knowing or having a good idea of both of your opponent’s hole cards?
● What edge would you have if you knew what cards were likely to fall on the flop?
● Is there an edge if you knew a group of cards that could not possibly be in your opponents hands or could never be dealt on the board?Pretty strong… huh? Well, all of the above scenarios can be accomplished with bottom card retention… read on.
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