#7 – Siamese Muses [3/28/96]

Beginning with this installment my column will be appearing every other Thursday instead of Tuesdays. You will also find a new feature. By pressing one of the video tape icons below, you will be able to download and view one of the routines from Michael Gallo’s new Siamese Coins video. I have been working on this project for three years and am very proud of the final outcome. Here, for the first, time you are given the opportunity to purchase this product, two months, before everyone else reads about it in the magic journals.

Click Here for Michael Gallo’s “Siamese Coins” video preview.

Michael Gallo’s Siamese Coins

Mike’s work with the Siamese Coins gimmick is nothing short of brilliant. The sleights and tricks contained in this publication will thrill any audience. I hope you take the time to study this excellent material. If you do, you will certainly see why I consider Mike Gallo’s close-up work in general, and his coin magic in particular, nothing short of sensational. . . . Harvey Rosenthal

One of its true innovators, Mike Gallo transcends mere technique and brings a sensibility to coin magic that is truly visionary. Here, as usual, is ground-breaking, state-of-the-art, expert coin magic. . . . John Bannon

The Book: Explanations to 12 routines using the Siamese Coins. You are also taught the following coin sleights: Gallo Spider Vanish, Heel Clip, Kick Vanish, Professor’s Nightmare Count, Purse Swindle Move, Ramsay Subtlety, Schneider/Dingle Pick-Up Move, Siamese Coin Switch, The Swish, Twirl Move, and much more. 44 pages. 52 Illustrations. Written by Stephen Hobbs. Foreword by Harvey Rosenthal.

The Video: Your chance to see Michael Gallo perform all 12 routines explained in the book: Exact Change Only, Fast & Easy Two Coins Across, Back & Forth, Forth & Back, All Gone Matrix, Ricochet, Thin Air, Hanging From A Purse String, Freeze Frame, Quick Change, Jackpot Slot, and Ramsay Without Tears.

The Gimmick: Made with two real American half-dollars, this is the finest gimmick of its type.

This “Book, Video, Gimmick” package is a must if you are, or ever want to be, an advanced coin magician. I would highly recommend it to anyone with a sincere interest in close-up magic. . . . Meir Yedid

Here is where I will be. Come by and say hi.
March 30-31 – Booth at East Coast Magic Spectacular 8 in Pine Hill, N.J.
April 12-14 – Booth at Hank Lee’s Cape Cod Conclave in Cape Cod, MA.
April 22 and May 6 – Performing at The Udder Club @ Holy Cow, New York City.

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