MT: November 6-12, 2000

VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,043 / Monday – November 6, 2000
Carnival of Wonders, starring Mark Kalin, Jeff Hobson, and Jinger Leigh, which has been doing tremendous business at  the Flamingo Hilton in Reno might be moving to a larger showroom with 2,000 seats. Discussing the possibility of working the larger stage Leigh is quoted, “Our biggest task would be not to lose the intimacy… but we’ve got a lot of tricks up our sleeves. Bigger tricks, too, I might add. This show has been our child from the start, and we’re not going to hurt it.” Also reported is that Jinger Leigh, Mark Kalin are expecting their first child and Leigh’s roll in the show is currently being performed by Lisa Tadaro and Shannon Shaffer. To read the Nov. 5 Sacramento Bee story by Mel Shields titled “The wonder of ‘Wonders’: Hilton’s hottest show” click: HERE.(11/6)

David Copperfield who will be performing in Canada this week is featured in The Ottawa Citizen with a lengthy story which covers his career, life and his Magic. Part of the featured article is a brief history of magic and the conclusion that “The magician’s forte is in diversion, in making us look at the wrong place at the right time. His armour is that he knows more about what he’s doing than we do.” To read the Nov. 4 story by Bruce Deachman titled “The enduring magic of magic: Who doesn’t wish they could simply vanish?” click: HERE.(11/6)

Diamond Jim Tyler, The Wilsons, Joycee Beck, Jeffrey Steele, Brandon Scott, Chris Mitchell, and Allan Hayden appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 6-12. Brandon Scott lectures on Sunday Oct. 22.(11/6)

A story about David Copperfield using his website to give his side of the many rumors and attacks on his life. To read the Nov. 5 story Zap2it story titled “Copperfield Uses Web To Rebut Rumors” click: HERE.(11/6)

PENNSYLVANIA: Max Howard lectures on Wednesday Nov. 8 at 7:30pm for Marc DeSouza in Gulf Mills. The cost is $25. For more information phone: 610-941-4132 or 6l0-668-9300.(11/6)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,044 / Tuesday – November 7, 2000
Oldest magic company in the US is sold by Jackie Flosso. America’s oldest magic dealership, The Flosso-Hornmann Magic Co., incorporating Martinka & Co., has been sold by longtime proprietor Jack Flosso to Ted Bogusta of New Jersey. The sale adds another page to the company’s history and adds another name (to use a phrase from one of their catalogs) to, “the cavalcade of owners.” The list includes Antonio and Francis Martinka, Carter the Great, Harry Houdini, Frank Ducrot and Jack’s dad, Al Flosso. Not to mention the roster of other dealer enterprises absorbed during the firm’s 125-plus years in the business of selling Hocus Pocus to generations of wand wielders. …Go to full story.(11/7)

Lyn Dillies who performed at The Victory theater with her show, “Magic at the Symphony,” as part of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra’s Family Series is profiled in the Evansville Courier Press. To read the Nov. 5 story by Roger McBain titled “Musical illusionist puts classical twist on conventional magic” click: HERE.(11/7)

Larry Morgan who is a part-time magician discusses what it takes to earn around $12,000 doing shows to supplement his regular income in The Plain Dealer. To read the Nov. 6 article by Bill Lubinger titled “No magic act: Building side business takes work” click: HERE.(11/7)

Alain Nu will be presenting his new 90-minute mentalism show, “Mystery Man– Encounter the Strange” on Wednesday Nov. 8 at 8pm at the St. Mary’s College of Maryland (Cole Cinema Campus Center) in Maryland. Admission is free to the public. For information phone: 301-862-0209.(11/7)

MARYLAND: MotionFest, A Performance Festival, featuring Max Howard and a large number instructors in Juggling, Mime, make-up, choreography, physical comedy, etc. takes place on Nov. 9-12 in Baltimore. For more information click: HERE.(11/7)

PENNSYLVANIA: Rick Fisher lectures for IBM Ring 149 in Erie on Thursday Nov. 9 at 7pm. For More information phone Thomas McLaren at: 814-474-5079.(11/7)

CALIFORNIA: David Harkey lectures for the Misdirections Magic Shop at the Fort Mason Center (Building C – Room 370) in San Francisco on Thursday Nov. 9 at 7:30pm. For more information phone: 415-566-2180.(10/7)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,045 / Wednesday – November 8, 2000
MASSACHUSETTS: The bi-annual Yankee Gathering VIII takes place on Nov. 8-11 in Salem where  magic’s historians and collectors from all over the world gather to listen to lectures which often feature revelations about magic and magicians. This year’s guest of honor is Cesareo Pelaez who founded the “Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company.” The “by invitation only” event sponsored by the New England Magic Collectors Association is limited to 190 attendees and features lectures, performers, dealers, exhibits, auction, flea market, reception, and shows. The event sold-out immediately with many on a waiting list.(11/8)

Fielding West’s show, “Hocus Pocus — It’s Fielding West,” at the Lady Luck is reviewed in the Las Vegas Sun where he is described as “West is equal parts very funny comedian and proficient magician.” To read the Nov. 3 article by Joe Delaney titled “Magician West wins over crowd with unique act” click: HERE.(11/8)

Uri Geller in a Guardian story where he has announced that he will be suing the makers of Pokémon and he believes they owe him “hundreds of millions of dollars” in damages. To read the Nov. 6 article titled “Pass Notes: Uri Geller” click: HERE.(11/8)

Ryan Makowski’s show at the Edwardsburg Primary School is featured in a South Bend Tribune article. The highlights of his career so far are also reviewed. To read the Nov. 2 article by Sherry Van Arsdall titled “Magic maker: Young illusionist performs trickery” click: HERE.(11/8)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,046 / Thursday – November 9, 2000
P.C. Sorcar Junior vanished the Taj Mahal on Wednesday. The Times of India described it “…hundreds of onlookers including policemen, administration officials and reporters absolutely stunned. The magician made the Mughal architectural marvel disappear in thin air leaving a blank space at the site.” Sorcar’s daughter, Maneka, brought back the Taj Mahal after two minutes. To read the Nov. 9 story from the Times Of India titled “Taj ‘vanishes’ as Sorcar waves his wand” click: HERE.(11/9)

JAPAN: The Great Tomsoni & Co. are headlining the 7th Naniwa-no Convention on Nov. 11-12 at the Osaka Umeda Stella Hall (Umeda Sky Building Tower West 3rd Floor) in Osaka. Registration is 32,000 yen (around US $320) per person which includes dinner. For more information phone: 0726-88-0618 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,047 / Friday – November 10, 2000
Mentalist Deepak Rao explains in the Times Of India, “I am not a spiritual guru having occult powers. I do not believe in godmen nor do I endorse such beliefs. I entertain people using my mental gifts. And I hope that I continue to amaze people with my mind abilities.” To read the Oct. 9 article titled “Move over Uri, Deepak Rao is here” click: HERE.(11/10)

CONNECTICUT: Larry Weeks and David Haversat produce the first International Magic Convention starring David Roth, Denny Heaney, Presto, Doug Edwards, Tanya, Jay Green, Dan Richard, Devin, Ed White, Amore and Larry Weeks. The event takes place on Sunday Nov. 12 at the Strand Theater in Seymour. Plans are already under way for the second convention to take place in March, 2001. Registration is $45 per person. For more information phone 203-888-2142 or 203-888-7911.(11/10)

ENGLAND: David Berglas, Graham P. Jolley, Derren Brown, Paul Hallas, Ali Bongo, Danny Buckler, Chris Hare, Brian Barnes, and Andy Fisher appear at MindMagic 2000 on Sunday Nov. 12 at  the Thistle Lancaster Gate in London. For more information click: HERE.(11/10)

MICHIGAN: Marc DeSousa, Steve Mayhew, Troy Hooser, and Doug Conn star at the Motor City Close-Up Conference on Nov. 10-11 at the Ramada Inn of Taylor. Registration is $65 per person. For more information phone: 734-421-8788.(11/10)
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,048 / Saturday – November 11, 2000
Penn & Teller’s show is reviewed in the Las Vegas Review-Journal where it is given an “A-” rating and described as “The current show seems to be a “greatest hits” revue with a lot of familiar bits, plus a few I hadn’t seen over the years.” What makes the show stand out is that it’s “…taking a vacation from the other Las Vegas shows — especially the more generic magic revues that rely on people dancing around giant puzzle boxes.” To read the Nov. 10 review by Mike Weatherford titled “Duo cut from different cloth: Penn & Teller find an audience despite straying from the PC-mold” click: HERE.(11/11)

The World’s Most Dangerous Magic will air in Africa and the Africa News Wire released a preview of the show. Mentioned in the article are Dean Gunnarson, Robert Gallop, and Melinda. To read the Nov. 10 Africa News Service story titled “World’s Most Dangerous Magic on M-Net” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(11/11)

The Academy of Magical Sciences in India will hold “Vismayam 2000” a magic convention held at  Trivandrum (capital city of Kerala) in South India on Dec. 23-25. For more information e-mail:
VOLUME: 35 / ISSUE: 1,049 / Sunday – November 12, 2000
David Copperfield’s show “Unknown Dimension” which has been appearing in Canada is reviewed in the Ottawa Sun. He is described as “Casually attired in an open blue dress shirt, white undershirt and black pants, Copperfield’s demeanor, audience walk-throughs and — his forte — a snappy court-jester wit made him out to be a man of the people for the 90-minute performance.” With the finall verdict, “What Copperfield did present was a pleasant evening of storytelling and a knack for more than just pulling a rabbit out of his hat.” To read the Nov. 9 review by Ian Nathanson titled “Undie switch highlights night of illusion” click: HERE.(11/12)

Gospel Magic, the Fellowship of Christian Magicians and their recent convention are discussed in The Modesto Bee. Mentioned in the article are “Tricky Ricky” Henson, Ron London, Steve Varro, and Radice. To read the Nov. 11 story by Eric Gorski titled “Some people turn to magic to spread the gospel” click: HERE.(11/12)

Jorge Blass, Chris McDaniel, Simon Lovell, Todd Robbins, Jamy Ian Swiss, Frank Brents, and Allan Zola Kronzek appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 13 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/12)

John Lenahan, Andy Nyman, Terry Seabrook, and Bennett Arron appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 13 at 8pm at Upstairs at the Gatehouse (Junction of North Road & Hampstead Lane) at Highgate Village in London. Admission is £5-£7. For more information phone: 020 8340 3488.(11/12)
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