MT: June 15 – 21, 1998

VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 168 / Monday – June 15, 1998
Siegfried & Roy start shooting a large-format Imax movie this month. The movie will focus on their life story, their show and their fight to save the white tiger and lion from extinction. It is scheduled for a July 1999 release. Written by Lyn Vaus, to be directed by Brett Leonard.(6/15)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Jun. 15-21 are: Barry Price, Michael Forbes, Brandon Scott, Dick Barry, Glenn Falkenstein, Frances Willard, Joe Fleming, and J.C. Dunn.(6/15)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 169 / Tuesday – June 16, 1998 
Harry Anderson appears in a 1984-85 episode of “Saturday Night Live” on Wednesday Jun. 17 at 11am and midnight ET on Comedy Central TV (US-cable).(6/16)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 170 / Wednesday – June 17, 1998
Harry Anderson does magic on “Night Court” on Thursday Jun. 18 at noon ET on LIFE-TV (US-cable).(6/17)

Magic auction in NYC, sponsored by S.A.M. #1 on Thursday June 18 at 7pm at Rueben’s Restaurant (244 Madison Ave. Corner of 38th St.). Auction is open to all. Free to SAM members, $3 for non-members. For info call: 212-581-8536.(6/17)

“Secrets Revealed–Episode 1” exposes magic on Thursday Jun. 18 at 9pm and midnight ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(6/17)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 171 / Thursday – June 18, 1998
“Spooky times for visitors to Magic Castle” is an article by Loretta Green which describes her visit to the Magic Castle. It appeared on Wednesday, June 17, in the San Jose Mercury News. To read it on the web click: HERE.(6/18)

David Copperfield opens at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Jun. 18. This will be an extended run, lasting till July 20.(6/18)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 172 / Friday – June 19, 1998
“Women and magic, without the contraptions” is an article by Chuck Darrow in the Jun. 19 issue of The Record (a New Jersey Newspaper). Darrow gave a very nice review to Joanie Spina and Becky Blaney for their new Atlantic City show, “Women of Magic: Beyond Your Dreams.” He closed by saying, “What Spina and Blaney offer are the most important elements of all: talent, professionalism, and a sense of fun. And it makes their program worth seeing. He continued with a terrific intro to Harry Mauer who is headlining at the Showboat’s “Basin Street Follies.”(6/19)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 173 / Saturday – June 20, 1998
Shari Lewis, an accomplished magician (probably the first woman to have her own TV magic special) and is best known for her puppet Lamb Chop, has been diagnosed with uterine cancer. Her spokeswoman said that Lewis will begin treatment next Monday in Los Angeles. Lewis is also a ventriloquist, dancer, musician, writer, producer and symphony conductor. We wish her a speedy recovery.(6/20)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 174 / Sunday – June 21, 1998
Torkova, R.J. Lewis, Gerry McCambridge, and Alba appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 22 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(6/21)

Torkova pointed me to a Jay Sankey audio interview on the web. Sankey has just released a book on comedy titled “Zen & the Art of Stand-up Comedy.” It is a 160 page paperback that retails for $17.99 and is available from most book stores. To listen to Sankey’s interview or an excerpt from his book, click: HERE.(6/21)

David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer, who spent $7.4 million on an apartment in New York City, last August, are the subjects of Carl Swanson’s “The Year of the $15 Million Apartment” column in the June 22 edition of The New York Observer. To see the cover photo of Copperfield and Schiffer click: HERE. To read the article on the web you must go through aol, keyword:nyo.(6/21)

The castaways uncover a crate of magician’s props on “Gilligan’s Island” on Monday Jun. 22 at 7:30am ET on TBS-TV (US-cable).(6/21)
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