MT: June 12-18, 2000

VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 896 / Monday – June 12, 2000
Darren Romeo, “The Voice Of Magic,” who has been performing at the Flamingo in Las Vegas for the past six months was abruptly cancelled last week. Rumors in the press explain the dismissal due to legal action taken by his former producer or manager. In the meantime it looks like Siegfried & Roy, who like Romeo, have taken him under their wing and are planning on helping him produce a full-evening show for one of the casinos. Kenneth Feld and Bernie Yuman have also been linked to this endeavor.
–To read the Jun. 9 article in the Las Vegas Sun by Kate Maddox titled “Romeo disappears from Flamingo” click: HERE.
–To read Norm’s article on this in the Jun. 9 Las Vegas Review-Journal click: HERE.(6/12)

An unidentified photo of Robert Harbin doing the sawing in half illusion was used in the Jun. 8 New York Times for the article titled “If Microsoft Is Sawed in Half” by Linda Greenhouse. The photo which is credited to Corbis-Bettman appeared on the cover of the business section.(6/12)

Richard Turner, George Saterial, Steve Bedwell, Jeff Steele, Len Reid, Whit Haydn, The Arlingtons, and Brandon Scott appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Jun. 12-18. Richard Turner lectures on Sunday Jun. 18.(6/12)

NEW JERSEY: B.J. Hickman lectures on Wednesday Jun. 14 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit – Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. For more information phone Al Hillman at: 732-257-3456. Cost to non-members is $12.(6/12)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 897 / Tuesday – June 13, 2000 
It is rumored that Melinda, “The First Lady of Magic,” will be performing in Las Vegas again as part of the “C2K” show at the Venetian. If it is true she could begin in the next few weeks. To read the Jun. 11 story by Kate Maddox in the Las Vegas Sun click: HERE.(6/13)

NEW YORK: A special magic auction takes place on Wednesday Jun. 14 at 7-10pm at Reuben’s Restaurant (corner of 38th and Madison) in New York City. Auctioneer Lenny Greenfader told MagicTimes that items will include many books and tricks — a portion of the items were donated to the magic club by the estates of deceased members. Admission is $3 per person.(6/13)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 898 / Wednesday – June 14, 2000 
“Under No Illusion” is the title of the new Paul Daniels autobiography which was published on May 15 by Blake Publishing Ltd. in England. Paul Daniels is one of the best and best known magicians in the world. Although he is not known to US audiences, he is very recognizable to the rest of the planet where his weekly TV show has been syndicated. His 16-year run on BBC-TV with “The Paul Daniels Magic Show” and later variations had him performing more magic on television than anyone prior or since. For the first time Daniels spills it all. Reading this book will give you insight into the man who as a child saw his 6-week old brother die and was brought up in a very poor environment during WWII. You see the life that shaped his personality and his drive to succeed. Daniels also discusses his thinking behind the career choices he made and the problems he encountered. Although the book can drag at times the majority of it is fascinating and very entertaining. We can always learn when we read about the greats who preceded us and when we can read it in their own words it makes it that much more important. The 325+ page hard-cover book with attractive color dust jacket also contains 16 pages of photographs with very funny captions. I ordered this book last month from Amazon UK and received it in the US in an amazing four days. Total cost was £13.59 plus £4.95 for air mail postage for a total of £18.54 (around US $28.00) which is not bad considering the book’s suggested retail price is US $26.00. To order your copy from Amazon UK click: HERE.(6/14)

Penn & Teller are performing at the Hollywood Theater at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV on Jun. 15-21. For more information and tickets phone: 800-929-1111.(6/14)

It seems that in 1995 the North Korean government wanted to book David Copperfield in Pyongyang. Arrangements were made to have North Korean diplomats fly to Vegas to see the show and negotiate a deal – which did not work out at the end. To read the Jun. 12 Peter Maass article in the New Republic click: HERE.(6/14)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 899 / Thursday – June 15, 2000 
A “Pippin” Of A Cremation
The producers of the new incarnation of the Stephen Schwartz musical “Pippin” at The Papermill Playhouse in  Milburn, New Jersey wanted a big set piece for the pivotal cremation sequence planned for this production. Illusion consultant Charles Reynolds, in conjunction with show designer Michael Anania conceived an eye filling version of this classic effect. “In regards to the plot, ‘Pippin’ is a ‘quest’ show,” explained Reynolds when speaking with MagicTimes. “The story builds to the cremation. Pippin himself is to be burned in it. Another character demonstrates what Pippin has to do. He enters the cabinet which is then hoisted into the air. Fire comes out from everywhere. The incinerated actor has vanished in the flames and makes his re-appearance from a balcony on stage. The plot takes another turn before concluding with Pippin heading off with his lady love at the finale.” …Go to full story.(6/15)

“The Rugrats’ Magic Adventure,” whose illusions were created by Jim Steinmeyer, opened on Friday Jun. 9 at Universal Studios Hollywood. To read the Jun. 8 L.A. Times article by Laurie K. Schenden titled “Rugrats’ ‘Magic’ The Nickelodeon cartoon series characters are brought to life for Universal Studios show.” click: HERE.(6/15)

OHIO: Bob King lectures for the Toledo Society of Magicians, IBM Ring #68 on Sunday Jun. 18 at 3pm at the Masonic Temple Building (910 Phillips Ave.) in Toledo. Cost is $5 for members and $10.00 for non-members. For more information phone The Magic Studio at: 419-478-8781 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 900 / Friday – June 16, 2000
One of the most endearing and magical moments of Nicholas Night’s show is when he creates a tricycle made out of garbage, then he shapes a little doll sized guy, places it on the tricycle and it seemingly comes to life and rides off stage. That little guy we now know has a name, “Garbage Guy,” and its own website. But, that is not all — it is now starring in it’s own six minute animated action-adventure titled “The Adventures of Garbage Guy: Episode 1.” The film has already been reviewed by Dana Daniels, Kevin James, and Chip Lowell at the ifilm website. So, if you want to see the film, review it, or rate it click: HERE.(6/16)

Jay Alexander performs at the Coyote Point Museum in San Mateo, CA on Friday Jun. 16 at 5:30pm as part of a “School’s Out at the Point” fund-raiser. Admission is a $100 donation per family. For more information phone:650-342-7755.(6/16)

Bob Pritikin’s new magic venture called the “Squished Eyeball Theater (World Class Magic with a Touch of Terror)” at the Union Square Playhouse in San Francisco is profiled in the San Francisco Examiner. To read the Jun. 14 article by Edvins Beitiks titled “Scared Silly: Squished Eyeball Theater serves up magic, horror and gross-outs — all with tongue firmly in cheek” click: HERE.(6/16)
VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 901 / Saturday – June 17, 2000 
The International Ventriloquist Association’s Vegas Ventriloquist Festival 2000 on Jun. 14-18 at Harrah’s in Las Vegas is featured in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Valentine Vox is quoted, “Ventriloquism is not a mental condition, but an art form.” The Festival concludes on Sunday at 10pm with “Ventastic 2000,” a gala show, at Harrah’s which will be Emceed by Mac King and will feature Ronn Lucas, Don Bryan, and Wendy Morgan. The show is open to the public and the cost is $24.95 per person. To read the Jun. 16 article by Ken White titled “Bucking the Trend: Ventriloquist festival dispels common misconceptions” click: HERE.(6/17)

Christian the Magician performs at the Concert Pavilion at City Hall (31 S. Summit Ave) in Gaithersburg, MD on Saturday Jun. 17 at 7-9pm. Admission is Free. For more information phone: 301-258-6350.(6/17)

ILLINOIS: Aldo Colombini lectures at Midwest Magic in Franklin Park on Monday Jun. 19 at 7pm. Cost is $20 per person. For more information phone: 847-455-4288.(6/17)

VOLUME: 30 / ISSUE: 902 / Sunday – June 18, 2000
Dale Harney who hosted the long running Canadian TV show “The Magic Palace,” which featured many of the top magicians in the 1970s, is remembered in the “Whatever Happened To” section of Chris Gerritsen’s Jun. 13 article in the Calgary Sun. It seems that Harney and his wife Lynda have moved to Edmonton, Canada and have become successful literary agents. Asked if they still do magic Lynda answered, “We still go out and do magic, but mostly for fund-raising… Life is pretty good.”(6/18)

Adam Bruggeman, a 14-year old magician,  who performs under the name Adam Trent is profiled in the Boulder Daily Camera. “I dream of being a famous entertainer… A lot of people have dreams but never follow them. I think it would be great to be a David Copperfield.” He will also be competing at the IBM convention in Buffalo, NY next month. To read the Jun. 15 Tori Peglar article titled “Music and magic” click: HERE.(6/18)

David Oliver, Jamy Ian Swiss, Todd Robbins, Rocco, and Peter Samelson appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 19 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(6/18)

ENGLAND: Stephen Tucker lectures for IBM Ring #25 which is being hosted by the Watford Association of Magicians (WAM) on Tuesday Jun. 20. The lecture is free to members and £5 for non-members.(6/18)

NEW JERSEY: Chris Capehart lectures for the South Jersey Sorcerers on Monday Jun. 19 at 8pm at The Mays Landing Diner (Rt. 40) in Mays Landing. Lecture is free to members and $5 to non-members. For more information phone: 609-487-7606.(6/18)
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