MT: October 29-November 4, 2001

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,400 / Monday – October 29, 2001
The Amazing Johnathan’s Halloween shows at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas are discussed and his career is profiled in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Johnathan explained, “I’ve got all these ideas, but I’ve got to have a midget. I’ve got to have five girls who are willing to get all bloodied up.” He continues “I’m trying to make it scary on my own budget… It’ll still be the biggest Halloween show in Vegas.” Joining Johnathan this week is Kevin James. The show has also been extended through February 2002. To read the Oct. 26 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Painting the Town Red” click: HERE.(10/29)

Dixie Dooley presents his 15th annual Houdini Séance on Wednesday Oct. 31 at 4 pm at the Plaza in Las Vegas. Admission is $19.95 per person and the proceeds will be donated to the families of the victims of the Sept. 11 New York tragedy.(10/29)

The much-awaited magic auction featuring Doug Edward’s Houdini collection takes place on Tuesday Oct. 30 at 6pm. For more information click: HERE.(10/29)

ENGLAND: Barrie Richardson lectures for the Northamptonshire Magicians’ Club on Tuesday Oct. 30 at 8pm. Admission is free to members and £4 for non-members. For more information click: HERE.(10/29)

VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,401 / Tuesday – October 30, 2001
Gary Howard who instituted a David Copperfield Project Magic program at the Kenny Rogers Children’s Center is featured in a Standard Democrat article where they explain that “The classes work not only on developing fine motor skills through the slight-of-hand manipulation but also on socialization and communication skills as each child is encouraged to develop a rapport with the audience.” To read the Oct. 29 article by Jill Bock titled “Kids using magic as therapy” click: HERE.(10/30)

Mitch Williams performed for 400 people at the “Just Wild About Harry” Halloween party on Sunday. A Journal Star article quotes Williams, “If we don’t like something we perceive, we can change it with our imaginations.” To read the Oct. 29 article by Christine Byers titled “Just wild about magic” click: HERE.(10/30)

Eduardo De Filippo’s 1949 play “Grand Magic” whose main character is a magician has been translated into English and opened at A Contemporary Theatre in Seattle. A Seattle Times review pointed out that, “…while ACT’s polished production of this Italian curio wins respect, the magic remains elusive.” To read the Oct. 29 review by Misha Berson titled “Magic appears, disappears in philosophical Italian play” click: HERE.(10/30)
VOLUME: 46 / ISSUE: 1,402 / Wednesday – October 31, 2001
“The Secrets of Animal Magic” is a new documentary being taped for the Animal Planet cable network. Lance Burton is will narrate the show, which is scheduled to air in February. A Las Vegas Review-Journal article quotes Burton, “Magicians using animals goes back thousands of years.” Also scheduled to appear on the special are Penn & Teller, Jim Steinmeyer, Rick Thomas, Joseph Gabriel, Steve & Maria August, and Johnny Thompson. Siegfried & Roy who epitomize the relationship of magician and wild animal will not appear. To read the Oct. 29 article by Carol Cling titled “‘Secrets of Animal Magic’ explores man-beast relationships” click: HERE.(10/31)

The new Houdini stamp was unveiled on Monday at the Lance Burton Theatre. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the stamp “will be issued in July to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Society of American Magicians. Houdini, a Hungarian immigrant, served as the society’s president from 1917 until his death on Halloween 1926.” To read the Oct. 30 article and view the photo by John Gurzinski click: HERE.(10/31)

Stan Davis’ magic show with a message is featured The Citizen where they report on his friendship and anti-bullying message. Davis explained, “The most important reason for doing this is kids who bully are five times as likely to end up in jail. Bullying is the single most predictor of adult behavior… If we stop bullying, not only does the victim benefit but the bully does as well.” To read the Oct. 30 article by Krista Marrs titled “Be a friend to a bully” click: HERE.(10/31)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,403 / Thursday – November 1, 2001
More than 100 magicians and magic fans attended the annual auction at the Swann Auction Galleries on Tuesday Oct. 30 in New York City. The auction started with 107 items from the Doug Edwards Houdini collection and closed with 28 items from the Stanley Burns Ventriloquism collection. The other 95 items were props, posters, books and ephemera relating to magic, circus and other allied arts, which were consigned by various collectors. MagicTimes gives you an exclusive inside view of the event and many of the realized prices. …Go to full story.(11/1)

Houdini’s timeless appeal is covered in the Arizona Republic where they report on the annual séance, the 2,500-piece Houdini memorabilia collection in Fort Worth, TX ant the Arthur Moses Houdini collection. To read the Oct. 30 Knight Ridder article titled “Is this the year Houdini ‘communicates’?” click: HERE.(11/1)

Steve Wyrick will perform at the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada benefit honoring Pat Shalmy on Nov. 3 in the Palace Ballroom of Caesars Palace. Tickets are $200 person and are available from Kelly Stidham at 731-2227, ext. 438.(11/1)

NEW YORK: Eric DeCamps, Yves Doumergue, and Laurant Beretta have just been added to the already stellar lineup for Tannen’s 39th Magic Jubilee in Monticello on Nov. 2-4. This year’s guest of honor and recipient of the “Louie” award is Shimada. For more information and registration phone: 212-929-4500 or click: HERE.(11/1)

MICHIGAN: Cellini, Aldo Colombini, Lee Asher, and Bob King will be headlining the 5th Annual Motor City Close-Up Conference on Nov. 2-4 at the Ramada Inn Of Taylor. Registration is $75 per person. For more information click: HERE.(11/1)

VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,404 / Friday – November 2, 2001
An overview of the popularity and recent history of magic on British television is the subject of a This Is London article which starts with the premise that “[Paul] Daniels overkilled magic” and David Blaine who they say “injected street cred, sex appeal and mystery into the game” and “has reignited interest.” The popularity of magic, according to the article is due to Blaine and “Harry Potter,” Both are big-money players. What is more interesting is the effect these two have had on breathing life into what seemed to be, in Britain, a dead craft. In the past two years style bars have started employing house magicians to do the sort of close-up magic Blaine has made popular.” To read the Oct. 26  article by Kate Spicer titled “Bewitched by a twitch of magic” click: HERE.(11/2)

Simon Drake’s ‘House of Magic’ is the subject of a This Is London feature where they describe his show/venue as “…it’s a blast of fresh air. Simon does the bulk of his trade through corporate dos, but every two months he stages a rip-roaring public event. Give it a go. It’s a real scream.” To read the Oct. 26 article by Sarah Donaldson titled “Simply spellbinding, darling” click: HERE.(11/2)

David Jarre whose market is “what he calls ‘the jet-set scene’, and works the private parties of the rich and famous across Europe.” Is featured in This Is London where said, “I get most pleasure from taking normal things like an apple and making it feel supernatural.” To read the Oct. 26 article by Maggie Davis titled “Fancy a Jarre, David?” click: HERE.(11/2)

Alistair Cook is profiled in an article where he said that David Blaine is his influence, “…he was the first magician to wear jeans and a T-shirt instead of a dj.” To read the Oct. 26 This Is London article titled “The confident trickster” click: HERE.(11/2)

Dixie Dooley’s Houdini show in Vegas and his special séance is recommended by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. To read the Oct. 31 article by Mike Weatherford titled “Take afternoon to visit Houdini” click: HERE.(11/2)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,405 / Saturday – November 3, 2001
A strange review of a Houdini séance held by the “inner circle” at a historic mansion in Petaluma where the Argus Courier article reporter stated, “Having been involved in the séances since the early 1950s, I don’t remember any where those present concentrated so intensely on Houdini. I believe this was the closest we ever came to having Houdini manifest himself.” The article also describes what one of the participants sensed, “…a man skulking near the outside window, afraid to come in, he was wearing 30s- or 40s-era lothes. He didn’t come in, could this be the spirit of Houdini?” To read the Nov. 3 article by Bill Soberanes titled “Fascinating Houdini séance” click: HERE.(11/3)

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Dan Harlan lectures for IBM Ring #166 and SAM Assembly #118 on Monday Nov. 5 at Paul Hevey’s Little Theatre (851 Cilly Rd.) in Manchester. Admission is $12 per person.(11/3)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,406 / Sunday – November 4, 2001
Uri Geller’s lawsuit against Nintendo for using his likeness on a Pokémon card once again makes the news with a feature on where they describe the situation as, “Just because you can bend spoons with your mind and make objects vanish doesn’t mean you give up your power to sue the pants off a cheap imitator.” Other lawsuits which Geller is perusing or considering are against Timex, Ikea and even stopped a guy on ebay from selling his brain fluid. Geller explained, “I don’t need the money… I have everything I need. But I will protect my reputation.” To read the Nov. 4 feature by Buck Wolf titled “Uri Geller: Litigious Psychic” click: HERE.(11/4)

Puck, Kenny Brown, Jeff Moche, Todd Robbins, Norman Beck, Pat Trick and Michael Chaut appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 5 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/4)

NEW JERSEY: Danny Archer lectures on Wednesday Nov. 7 at 8pm for JMMRT at the V.F.W. (Pennsylvania Railroad Ave., two blocks from the NJ Transit — Linden train station) in Linden, New Jersey. Cost is $10 for members and $12 for non-members. For more information phone Carl Bajor at: 732-969-2566 or click: HERE.(11/4)
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