Source: MagicTimes

After 812 daily updates in MagicTimes, you have seen constant additions, improvements, features, special effects, redesigns and technology enhancements. From day one, in December 1997, the most popular area has been the TV magic news section. We have kept you up to date on the latest events and shows that could be seen on TV. Although the major focus was US television we have also posted magic shows in Canada, England, Japan, Spain, Australia, etc…

As we continually monitor the traffic generated on the site we are able to cater to your interests by building on our strengths.

Throughout the past two years the most compliments we received is on the up to date TV listings we provide and the most frequent requests were to expand the TV listings to more than two days in advance.

On countless occasions we had to explain that due to the continuous theft of our content on other magic sites and e-mail lists we did not want to give the information far enough in advance as to make it even easier for them to offer our content.

It currently takes up to six hours per day to research, verify, and edit our news. To find our content later repeated on other sites as “exclusives,” with portions of our phone conversations occasionally copied verbatim is discouraging and from our point of view disappointing.

However, because of the tremendous success of what MagicTimes is offering on a daily basis we felt it important to make our TV listings even more instantly accessible.

Beginning Mar. 20, 2000, MagicTimes will be launching it’s own spin-off site: This new site will offer up-to-the-minute TV listings in as many markets as possible. It will also offer descriptions and information of the shows so you can make informed decisions as to what to watch and how to set your VCRs.

As usual, with all of our sites, we will continue with our tradition of simple navigation and topical information.So please visit, link to it using our new TV Magic Guide button and see the continuous, and for a while daily, improvements we plan in the next few months.

Meir Yedid
P.O. Box 2566
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-703-1171

MagicTimes Press Wire
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