Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #838
June 13, 2020
FIRST: I am continuing to ship your orders on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued support.
My Zoom Lecture Tour is coming to an end. 37 down and 2 to go. The last two lectures are easier to attend for magicians worldwide. Until now I limited the lectures to local clubs and groups so we can have casual, intimate, conversational, evens that are customized to the interactions of the attendees.1

The last two will be open to more magicians and will likely run a little longer. As many of the attendees can verify there is a lot of new and important information in this lecture and the final one will also be recorded and archived on the Society Of American Magician’s website.
If you want to attend the live events here is how:
Saturday June 13, 5pm (NY Time): The Magician’s Forum which recently held a two-day online convention starring some of my favorite magicians is sponsoring this and Rudy Tinoco agreed to open it up to all magicians, which includes you! But you will have to register for the Zoom lecture as soon as possible: HERE
Sunday June 14, 7:30pm (NY Time): This lecture is part of the SAM’s Virtual Assembly and is free to all SAM members. All you need is your email address and membership number to enter. Go: HERE
Even though the material in both lectures will be mostly the same the two lectures will be drastically different. The Saturday lecture will be interactive where all the participants will be able to interact in real time. The Sunday lecture will have little interaction, which basically means that I will be talking to myself for two hours.
I will do my best to keep both lectures as entertaining and informative as possible but as we all know live interaction encourages clarification, creativity, improvisation, and entertainment.
Hope to see you there.

Polarity Cards:
A few weeks ago, I introduced you to RPR’s Symphony Coins. This week we will look at their Polarity Cards. Funny thing to me is that it is basically the Symphony Coins done with cards.
What they were able to do is find the thinnest and strongest magnets (for their size) and implant them within Bicycle playing cards. You get five cards (a Royal Flush) that can be handled as a single card when tossed from hand to hand and yet split into five. The overall thickness of the five cards is around ten cards.
It comes with a video tutorial featuring Rocco performing and teaching some applications for stage and close-up.
I think that one of the best applications for this kind of set is to put together a stand-up five-card pseudo manipulation routine with productions, vanishes and transportations… maybe even a three-fly type of routine with cards.
Watch and buy: HERE.
Oh: I also have some eBay auctions ending on Saturday night. Go: HERE
Warehouse Finds, Limited Quantities & Great Prices:
This is part of a large Joker Magic inventory I purchased recently. Many of these items are no longer being manufactured and the ones that are will not be restocked. Once they are gone… they are gone!
Still Available:
►Preferred: HERE
►Pass Through Deck: HERE
►Giant Domino: HERE
►Hit The Jackpot: HERE
►Fully Packed: HERE
►Mobile Printer: HERE
►Clone Cube: HERE
►Cube 4 You: HERE
►Ultimate Change: HERE
►Chameleon Deck: HERE
►Boomerang Cards: HERE
►Inexhaustible Pack Of Cards: HERE
►Chinese Coin Bending: HERE
►Color Changing Gum: HERE
►Gum Game: HERE
►Magnetic Domino: HERE
►Jumbo Chinese Coin Color Change: HERE
►Vanishing Magnetic Mini Deck: HERE
►Ring On A Rope: HERE
►Silk Cube: HERE
►Mystic Wand: HERE
►Plexiglass Prediction: HERE
►Chinese Coin Transformation: HERE
Stay safe,
Upcoming Live Appearances:
► The Magic Bag Of Trix Lecture appearing at magic clubs worldwide during their Zoom meetings.
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a very special coin purse that is hand-made in Italy using fine Italian leather and contains real coins inside a hidden compartment that are used to create a perfect jingling sound when the purse is shaken… even when it is empty. The purse is used to add an audible element to your coin magic. Simple things like shaking the purse after pretending to put coins inside, solidifies the fact that the coins must be inside because you can hear them inside. The same sound can be used to prove the arrival of vanished coins before any sneaky stuff is done. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This set of four coins has been re-imagined by coin craftsman Roy Kueppers who figured out how to make the coins thinner and yet still look like full size coins. The four coin set is actually the thickness of around one-and-a-half coins. This allows the for four coins to be handled as one and you are still able to do some great magic with them. The advantage of a four-coin set is that you can display them between your fingers (like billiard balls) after producing them. Available with real US Eisenhower Dollars and real US Kennedy Halves. |
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This routine has often been referred to as one of the best packet tricks. It has more visual impossibilities than most in its genre. You cleanly show four queens, explaining that one of them is very special. The first three Queens that are selected are shown to have different colored backs. The last Queen is cleanly shown to have a blue back as you explain it too is special. The cards are shown again and now they all have red backs except for the last Queen. As a finale the four Queens are shown to have four different back designs and colors and they can even be handed for examination. MORE INFO & BUY: HERE | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a real Magician Badge that was fashioned on the badges used by law enforcement agencies around the world. It adds a level credibility to magicians while at the same time adding humor to your introductions. It is a great icebreaker. The next time you walk up to strangers you can pull out the badge as you say your name and title of Magician. It causes a moment of panic followed by relief and laughter. MORE INFO & BUY: HERE |