Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,081
February 15, 2023
John Bannon’s Call Of The Wild has been out of stock for a while even though I had plenty of cards and covers in stock… all I needed to do was to reprint the instructions. I delay those kinds of investments as long as possible because it could take a couple of years to recoup the printing costs on existing products. But since this is one of my favorite releases I decided to go ahead. If you are not familiar with it… check out the trailer.
►Call Of The Wild:
Bannon’s innovative routine is an entertaining, updated, version of the classic “Wild Card” plot. It has all of the qualities of a perfect routine. It contains a solid story based on the classic Magician vs. Gambler conflict and a new triple climax.
The contest begins with eight blank cards and the Ace of Spades. The magician’s blanks change into Aces of Spades. The Gambler’s blanks change into Aces of Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, and Spades. In a truly unexpected climax, the magician’s aces change into a Royal Flush to win the contest!
Watch and buy: HERE
One of my distributors recently found a box of some of my older releases, some have not been available for a while. The first I can offer you is Harry Anderson’s Gang Of Four.
►Gang Of Four:
After four spectators each select and remember a card, you remove one from the deck and place it face down.
You ask, wouldn’t it be impressive if all of you were thinking of the same card? They nod. Wouldn’t it be even more amazing if the card I pulled out of the deck was the same card you are thinking of? They nod again. Spread the deck face-up. The four spectators admit their card is missing.
The spectators name their selections: Ace of Hearts, Four of Spades, Eight of Clubs, Five of Hearts. Shocked and disgusted, you rip the card into four pieces. But with a sly smile you turn them over and show that one piece is the Ace of Hearts, one is the Four of Spades, one the Eight of Clubs and another the Five of Hearts. As the ultimate kicker, the torn pieces which always remained in plain view no longer fit together!
Get one: HERE
I hope you enjoyed the free tutorial/trailer for the innovative Talking Magic Works. There were two pieces in the free tutorial I wanted to clarify: In the Guardian of the Grave the force numbers are 3-5-7 and in the Secret of the Sphinx you can use a Conductive Ink Pen to mark your own cards.
►Talking Magic Works:
In 1995 Mark Setteducati in conjunction with Milton-Bradley released his most ambitious magic creations: The Electronic Talking Magic Works. These three interactive magic tricks used the latest technologies to achieve self-working, impossible magic. But not only did the props do all the secret work for you but they also talked to you and your audience.
Comes with complete sets of the three Talking Magic Works (Spirit In The Coffin, Secret Of The Sphinx, and Guardian Of The Grave), special set of grave cards, and access to a 40-minute video tutorial.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Countdown Coins:
Many years ago, Rocco came up with a coin gimmick that can be used to display four US Quarters while instantly changing to three Quarters, then two, and finally one Quarter, it can also be shown in reverse, going from one to four Quarters. The displays can be made one handed which allows for a very clean in the hand’s coins across.
The utility device can be used for many different routines, both stand-up and close-up. The tutorial includes easy, intermediate, and advanced coin routines that are taught by Rocco Silano, Dr. Michael Rubinstein, and Meir Yedid.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday March 26, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I promised myself around a year ago to stop making drastic changes to my stage act for a year so that I can get it down and get comfortable with it. I was happy with the two shows I did last weekend and am now ready to break-in the three new pieces I have been messing with. Probably one every two months, with one of them having the possibility of being a huge commercial release that will likely become my best-selling item of all time!
“Today, more than ever, artistry stands as the real test of a magician’s ability to please the public.”
…Walter Gibson (Magic Explained, 1949)