Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #943
July 3, 2021
Tom Mullica’s bar show at the Tom-Foolery in Atlanta is still one of the most memorable magic shows I have ever experienced. I laughed non-stop for 90 minutes while watching some great magic. What I loved most was not his cigarette routine, which I saw many times but his closing Apple Routine… I laughed so hard. I was in tears and actually fell off my chair and landed on the floor.
As a Tom Mullica fan I got his Tom-Foolery sweatshirts, jackets, cards, and of course his beautiful Tom-Foolery poster. Not to mention that I released the only existing footage of the bar show, with the Apple Routine, and several of his tricks.
When Tom decided to move out of Atlanta, he called me and asked if I wanted to buy all his remaining posters and cards from the show. I jumped at the opportunity and had him autograph a bunch of them. I sold-out the cards many years ago but most of the original posters have been in storage ever since.
This is your chance to own a piece of close-up magic history. A beautiful poster promoting what is widely regarded as the best and funniest bar show in history. It is actually the only poster that I have professionally framed and hanging in both my home and my office. I was also able to find three autographed copies: HERE
►Original Tom-Foolery Poster:
This is an original poster that was used to promote the Tom-Foolery Magic Bar Theatre (1976-1987) in Atlanta, Georgia, where Tom Mullica’s show developed a cult-like following, as many audiences kept coming back with their friends to see the world’s greatest bar magician!
With his mile-a-minute comedy, magic, and slapstick he presented more than 3,000 sold-out shows during his eleven-year run. These beautiful posters have been in storage for many years and are in like new condition.
Most close-up magicians hang posters of stage magicians in their homes and offices because there are very few historical posters available that feature close-up magicians. This is your chance to own a piece of close-up magic history!
Get one: HERE
The card balancing on edge effect has been one of my obsession routines and what I consider my best solution to that plot was the opening routine I performed and taught on my free IBM lecture last December. Which can still be viewed by IBM members.
In 1995 I did a short lecture tour in Japan and after one of the stops we went to a bar, and I was introduced to this kid that recently joined the club and was fooling everyone with his unique creations. They introduced him as the next big creator in magic. They sat him in front of me and wanted to watch me get fooled. He did three routines that fooled me, two of which were eventually marketed. That kid was Katsuya Masuda.
I always buy everything that has his name attached to, and have never been disappointed by the extremely clever methods.
So, when I saw that he has some new work on the card balancing effect I had to get it. And the trailer fooled me, since the method he used was nothing like what I expected.
►Nice To Meet You 2:
Before we get into the ad copy, I must explain that Masuda called this “Version 1.1” while the people marketing it in the US decided to call it “Version 2.” Both are the same item.
Also, the only difference between this and the original version of “Nice To Meet You!” Is the one sequence of balancing the card on a fan. The rest is identical to the original.
It is an extremely clever, yet simple, method to make a business card or playing card stand on edge. You are taught how to gaff your own cards so they can be balanced on most flat surfaces.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Laughing so hard, that not only was I in tears, but also fell out of my chair and landed on the floor happened twice in my life. The other time was watching Bobby Baxter, for the first time, doing his card routine, when he emceed the Richiardi show.