Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,092
March 25, 2023
I am sure that many of you know that puzzles, and optical illusions fascinate me. I have introduced you to many different ones. Probably the most variants were of the Winston Freer Tile Puzzle and Paul Curry’s Paradox predecessor.
Today you will have a chance to get a pocket size version of the tile puzzle that fits in a card case. I did a live trailer that features the reverse handling where you add pieces instead of taking them away: HERE
Many years ago, I saw Milbourne Christopher get a huge laugh when he opened a card box and removed a rope. Same can be done if you pull a puzzle out of a card box, or basically anything except cards. It gets a laugh because you destroy expectations.
►Pocket Tile Puzzle:
There have been many different versions of this impossible Winston Freer puzzle made from many different materials. There have also been many versions that use secret gimmicks that accomplish the same effect.
This particular version is based on the Winston Freer original and is very easy to do. The pieces were made using 3D printers and the overall size is smaller than a deck of cards which allows it to be carried in a standard card box.
Watch and buy: HERE
►ARM: Almost Real Magic:
The observation test begins with two identical hands of Blackjack (AC and JH). The object is to see if the candidate can follow where the cards are.
The first test is easy and your friend names the Ace, then things get tough. Unexpectedly the Blackjack on the table is now seen as two Aces while the one in your hand has the Jacks.
To simplify things, you decide to only use the two Jacks this time but wait now there are three Jacks and only one Ace. As a finale all four cards are shown to be Jacks and there is no Ace in sight.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday March 26, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
►Sunday April 9, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
►April 26-29, Displaying at the FFFF Convention in Buffalo, New York.
►April 30, Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, New York. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Hope to see some of you tomorrow at the second largest casino in the US.
“Who would deny the pleasure of being able to mystify and entertain friends?”
…Greer Marechal, Jr. (Magic For The Millions, 1957)