Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,203
May 22, 2024
The Invisible Deck is considered one of the best routines you can do to impress people with. Any card is named, and it turns out to be the only face down card in the deck. Simple, direct, and easy.
How can that be improved? Well… Christian Schenk casually mentioned the rerelease of his ID-360 deck which is now available with his large indexes (now called Phoenix Index). Somehow, I never knew this existed.
I liked the idea very much and bought all he had left. You can basically do any Invisible Deck routine with this version except that now, the cards can be removed from the box before the card is named and the deck can be shown back and front with 52 faces and 52 backs. The minor drawback is that the named card can’t be handed out at the end… which in not really a big deal.
It is actually perfect for stand-up and formal close-up since everything is clean and direct.
Am also introducing you to another Dan Garrett booklet. This one is called Wizard Ways and discusses his approach to magic for children.
ID-360 stands for an Invisible Deck that can be performed surrounded, with both faces and backs in full view throughout.
Using a deck that is referred to as triple-double you can spread the cards, so all fifty-two faces and backs are seen before and after the routine.
You can do any of your favorite invisible deck routines with this deck. One of the advantages is that it can be in full view the entire time without it hiding in the box.
Watch and buy: HERE
►The Wizard’s Way:
Subtitled as “Dan The Wizard On Performing For Children”. The manuscript teaches the routines that Dan used when performing for children and sharing his 25+ years of doing so.
Routines include: Storytelling With Magic: Copy Cats, The Invisible Hare, The Mouse That Roared, World Famous Banana Trick, The Whole Tooth, Triller (A Hat Trick), Acey Puppet Routine: “The Houdini Rope Escape”, Thumb Tipnique, The Tooth Fairy, and Martian Rabbit Eggs.
Get a copy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
►Traits & Emotions:
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human characteristics. You have them find a characteristic that reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
After a little byplay you will know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
►JUNE 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Today marks the last day of the carload of magic that I picked up at the 4F convention. I plan on re-ordering some of the stuff that sold out in minutes. Next newsletter will feature a Martinka release.
“It has been said that a good actor can become a good magician, but few magicians can become good actors.”
…Marvin Kaye (The Handbook Of Magic, 1973)