Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #762
June 8, 2019
I actually sold many more of the collectible Dai Vernon Memorial Spinning Coins than I expected. I hope all the purchasers are happy with it. If you read the sheet of paper that came with it, you may have noticed an ad at the bottom which said:
For the trick called “The Spirit Cut” in which a deck of cards is spun on the coin and Vernon’s spirit causes the deck to cut itself to a spectator’s selected card! (it’s EASY) send $15 to:
What is this Spirit Cut? Why have we not heard of this before? Where can we get it? Why did it cost $15 in 1999?

The Spirit Cut:
This is an interesting routine and if I wrote out the effect as it is described in the instructions you would be happy to send me the $15 for it, and likely be disappointed with the method when you get it. But the basic effect is of having a card freely selected and lost in the deck. You place the deck on top of the coin and make everything spin until the deck separates/cuts itself and the selected card is found in that spot.
The five pages of instructions include ideas and routines by Dennis Marks, Billy McComb, Johnny Thompson, and Larry Becker.
The cleverest part which I did not envision is that not only does the coin spin on the table but anything you put on it will spin with it.
The good news: I made the instructions into a pdf and am giving it to all the purchasers for free. Just log into your account and it will be in your media library. If you purchased it as a guest, or have trouble finding it, email me and I will send it to you.
The bad news: Since I am including it with the coin, I decided to raise the price a little. But will keep the same discounted price until Tuesday.
So, get it now, get it: HERE.
The Mueller Report Flip Book:
In the last newsletter I offered you the centerfold bonus for the routine. This week you will get additional video instructions.
My exclusive on this routine expired last week and it is now being rolled out through most of the major distributors and magic companies. As such, Sam had to include a video tutorial which now resides in the media library of your account. Or you can watch it on YouTube: HERE.
Get the Mueller Flip Book: HERE.

Martinka Coins:
Being offered for the first time is a Scotch & Soda coin set where the silver coins are real 1964 Silver Kennedy Half Dollars and real Mexican Centavos. I don’t need to explain anymore since the magicians who would want these already know it.
Get it: HERE.
I was also able to get back in stock a few of the Silver Walking Liberty Chained routines.
Chained in my opinion is Ted Bogusta’s third best creation. If you are not familiar with it you should watch the video trailer, and if you already have one you may want to upgrade to the silver edition.
Watch and buy: HERE.
I still have a few of the original Kennedy version of Chained: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.