Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,119
July 12, 2023
I vividly remember watching a stage magic contest where the winner basically did some very funny small routines. What made his act seem bigger was that he had some big props on stage (that he never used). It showed that even judges can be fooled by clever stage sets.
The reason I was reminded of this is that I recently acquired some of the Creative Magic stage illusions that pack flat and can be used as carry-on luggage on a plane. Below you will see the Victory Cubes, I actually built a version of this when I was a teenager after reading about it in the Mark Wilson Course In Magic. The funny thing about this illusion is that many of the purchasers are using it as scenery for their stage acts instead of using it to produce people! They are cool looking giant dies… but still!
Please note that these have been discontinued many years ago and we only have very few.
►Victory Cubes:
This is a stage illusion that packs flat and plays big. The large cube is 34”x34”x34”, the smaller cube is 31”x31”x31”, and amazingly it packs into a small bag that weighs around 5lbs and whose size is only 13″x15″x4″.
Although the two cubes are based on a standard illusion where you show them empty and produce a person or a prop, many of the people who purchased them are using them as stage decorations to make their stage acts look bigger, more attractive, and to block bad angles.
As and added feature the spots on the cube (die) are made of spandex and you can reach inside to get stuff or used the cubes to dump props inside them as you progress with your show.
Watch and buy: HERE
I also have one of the custom Victory Cubes illusions, that instead of dice is made of ABCD/1234 cubes where the images have been airbrushed on them.
Does not come with a COA, or an instruction booklet. You do get a copy of the instructional DVD. Same price.
Email me if you want it.
Wanted to remind you that the introductory price of to my Duality Coin Routine download will expire on Friday.
►Duality Coin Routine:
The Duality Coin Routine is a quick multiphase routine Meir has been honing for many years. He started using a shell, then upgraded and changed it around using a TUC, then when the Triple Split coins were released, he found the perfect balance…. until the appearance of the Dual Position Triple Split Coins where everything fell into place and allowed him to have the perfect displays along with the visual sequences.
If you own any of the above-mentioned coin sets you will find sequences that you can apply to your own routine. In addition to the basic routine, you will also learn some of the sequences that were part of the previous versions, that can be used to make the routine longer, and look and feel different than the one on the trailer.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Escapist Coin:
You get two strong coin routines for casual situations, that are very easy to learn, and are examinable at the end.
Show two coins and a broken rubber band. The coins are an American penny and a dime that have small holes pierced through them. Thread the penny and dime on the rubber band and have a spectator hold the two ends of the band so the coins are trapped in the center.
You then pull on the coins and let them snap back, so they spin and bounce on the band. When they stop spinning only the penny is on the rubber band and the dime is found in your hand. It was seemingly plucked off the rubber band in a magical and impossible manner. Everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Friday July 16: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
►August 6-9: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: A Dual Position Triple Split Coins update: Once again we sold out of most of the available coins. The reason we have had trouble getting them in large quantities is that the company that made the original magnets (which are extremely difficult and costly to manufacture) went out of business and the many factories that thought they could do it, gave up. But it looks like a major company conquered the problem, and I hope to have more, in all varieties, by Magic Live!
“Building an act is like putting together a Jigsaw Puzzle… Lots of pieces… It looks hopeless… But, they all do fit.”
…Howard Hale (Showmanship Misdirection And Routining, 2000).