Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #967
September 25, 2021
In a recent conversation with Roger Dreyer, he mentioned that he had a bunch of discontinued magic sets and props in his California warehouse that I would be interested in. A truckload of stuff arrived at my warehouse a couple of weeks ago and I am slowly going through it. I will introduce you to them sporadically over the next few months and I am sure you will like the savings, off their original prices. The first item is the best from a performer’s point.
Bob McAllister was a friend of mine and he invented many good and clever routines. His main obsession was tricks using magnets. He always had a large rectangular magnet in his back pocket where he used to ditch props after making them vanish. Even when he didn’t have the magnet, the outline in his jeans was still there.
He also loved to roller skate and would arrive at the cafeteria on Saturdays on skates and hang out for a while, show some magic he was playing with and take off before it got dark.
One day he came and showed us his linking and unlinking ring on shoelace routine. Everyone was fooled. It was so visual and clean that nobody suspected that he had a magnet hidden in the shoelace that held the ring and made it look like it was threaded on the lace.
After Bob passed away many companies started releasing his idea. It even ended up in some magic sets for the public. One such set was Fantasma’s Ring Escape. For years I have heard magicians say that this version was the best made. The lace design added a level of deception, the ring looked good, the magnet was just right, and the routine by Magick Balay was outstanding.
So, when I had a chance to corner the market on them, I did. Take a look:
►Ring Escape:
A no-sleight of hand method of performing a ring-off-rope routine based on the magnetic system created by Bob McAllister. You can repeatedly make a solid ring penetrate an ordinary shoelace.
The excellent routine by Magick Balay that is seen in the trailer where you make the ring visibly link in the center of the lace and just as easily make it melt off, even when your friend is holding everything, is taught in its entirety on the video tutorial.
Watch and buy: HERE
NOTE: If you purchased N-Stripper Deck before this week, take a look in your account’s Media Library for the latest updated, 23-minute video tutorial.
For a very long time the N-Stripper Deck, also known as a Negative Stripper, has been a closely held secret among card cheaters and very few advanced card magicians.
Unlike any other type of deck that shares part of its name, these cards can be shuffled and cut by the spectator in any way they like. They can even be washed and turned as they do in casinos.
After all the shuffling and cutting you can strip out the Aces, the Kings, Queens, Jacks, and tens.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If you search the web, you will see many magic companies advertising the Ring Escape with a DVD tutorial. Don’t be deceived. In almost all cases you will receive the one with a video download. They just never bothered to change the ad copy or graphics.
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE