Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,088
March 11, 2023
Today I will be introducing you to the final release from the Obie O’Brien product line I purchased the rights to. The original name for this little-known routine was Almost Real Magic. Or ARM as we are now calling it. It too features our Parlor Size cards (the original was with Jumbo Cards).
The new routine is similar to the original except for the presentation and the phases used. What is interesting about this routine is that even if you know how it is done it still seems impossible and the method is very difficult to figure out and follow. Before you look at the trailer keep in mind that there are no roughed cards and only four cards are used. Also keep in mind that there is no sleight of hand used until the Elmsley count at the end. Now, take a look: HERE
►ARM: Almost Real Magic:
The theme revolves around an entrance exam that is used to qualify players to enroll in a Blackjack Card Counting School.
The observation test begins with two identical hands of Blackjack (AC and JH). The object is to see if the candidate can follow where the cards are.
The first test is easy and your friend names the Ace, then things get tough. Unexpectedly the Blackjack on the table is now seen as two Aces while the one in your hand has the Jacks.
To simplify things, you decide to only use the two Jacks this time but wait now there are three Jacks and only one Ace. As a finale all four cards are shown to be Jacks and there is no Ace in sight.
Watch and buy: HERE
Although I am using a gambling theme for the presentation you can talk about the colors of the cards, like Obie does in the tutorial or talk about the specific cards as being wild, etc…
Also, if you previously purchased the Jumbo version of the trick, you could use the same link and password to access the new tutorial.
Consider getting the rest of the Obie O’Brien products:
►Big Bucks: HERE
►Forks Full Of Appetizers: HERE
►Kolossal Kolored Kards: HERE
►Sunday March 26, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: My next release is currently scheduled for the first week in April but there is a chance I can get everything ready earlier.
“Magic has been for me, as it has been for the thousands of children and adults that I have taught it to, an immensely positive aspect of life. Magic is a creative way of thinking and doing. It breaks the monotonous chain of daily life and shows us that the world still contains the unexpected and the seemingly inexplicable.”
…Abraham B. Hurwitz (Magic For Non-Magicians, 1975)