Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,219
July 17, 2024
Last week I introduced you to an out-of-print Kreskin book but did not get a chance to make a trailer for it. Also interesting is that when it came out in 1977 it cost $8.95… in today’s dollars that would translate to a little more than $47.00. Luckily, I can sell it for a fraction of that. You can watch the trailer now: HERE
This week I will introduce you to a mixed media download by Dan Garrett, it is a 57-page PDF and a supplemental 11-minute video that teaches some excellent routines and techniques. Dan used to sell them as CDs at his lectures.
►Forward Into The Past:
At some point Dan Garrett decided to put together CDs which contained PDF books and videos to sell at his lectures instead of printed booklets and DVDs. This also allowed him to write more detailed descriptions, include many different variants to the tricks as well as discuss how to present them.
Forward Into The Past PDF contents include: Magi-Fest Jest, Knife Act, Unassisted Triple Play, Desire Under The Elms(leys), The Godmother Of All Book Tests, Up The Creek With A Paddle, Magic vs. Technology, Two Foreseen, Hello, Mr. Chips!, The Summation, About Duke Stern, and much more.
Forward Into The Past Video Supplement contents include: The Paddle Move, Through The Fist, The Propeller Change, Double Knife Move, Appearance By The Pinky, Push & Take Vanish, FTL Move, A Multiple Sequence, Knife Act (full routine), False Card Turnover, One-Hand Turn And Back, Printing A Business Card, ATFUS Move, Veeser Count, Triple Play Sequence (ATFUS-Veeser Sequence), The Pinch Vanish, The Pinch Switch, False Coin Turnover, and Duke Stern’s Two Copper To Two Silver.
Get a copy: HERE
►Creative Magic Table-Organizer-Bag:
The Creative Magic Table is made of high-quality, durable fabric and lightweight corrugated plastic and weighs less than a gallon of milk and sets up in under a minute.
But this isn’t just another table. This Table has a shelf to hold props, an interchangeable front cover (or table skirt), and the bag it all stores in unrolls to reveal countless pockets, pouches, clips, and elastics to store and organize your entire show.
The Creative Magic Table comes with a wide variety of pockets designed specifically to hold many of the most common magic props plus they are adjustable. So, if you want a deck of cards near the top or a snowstorm to the side, you got it! You decide not only what pockets you want to use but where they should go.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Kreskin’s Mind Power Book:
Subtitled as “Use Your Head To Get Ahead! Kreskin’s Mind Power Book” is the second book that Kreskin wrote which was published by MaGraw-Hill in 1977. It also came out before Johnny Carson coined the term “The Amazing Kreskin” which he would use later in his career.
In his introduction Kreskin explains the purpose of the book: “Perhaps no one can completely tap all resources and potentials in one lifetime. I am giving you, however, the keys which can unlock the door to a continual program of self-development and improvement. What I ask of you is a commitment.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
►AUGUST 4-7: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
►AUGUST 18: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: In Saturday’s newsletter I am planning on introducing you to a new release. Although I can only ever make around 70 of them, I am going to offer them to you here before shipping to Magic Live.
“Take a long look at every bit of magic you do, and see what is really important. Then you will achieve an experience for your audience that is truly magic, tangibly real and filled with wonder!”
…Dan Garrett (Forward Into The Past, 2012)