Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,123
July 26, 2023
If you are a card magician or card player who lives in humid environments, you probably own a card clip to keep your cards flat.
If you are a card cheat, mentalist, or magician you are always looking for ways to gain information. Whether it is a person’s card or some hidden information.
Scott Jenkins who now runs the Joe Porper (who popularized the modern card clip) magic range may have solved both issues with one prop. A card clip that is also a shiner. While it sits on the table it will reflect whatever hovers over it. I believe only 35 of them were manufactured.
For the non-card-cheaters among us, below you will find Bruce Bernstein’s outstanding mentalism book and a visual vanish of a Sharpie marker.
►Shiner Card Clip:
Joe Proper popularized the modern design of the card clip. Before he passed away, he taught the secrets of making them to Scott Jenkins who now manufactures them under his Illusion Works brand.
This is a rare version of the clip which, in addition to protecting your cards, can serve as a shiner whose reflective surface will display anything you put in front of it.
It is made out of Aircraft Aluminum Alloy with a polished mirror finish. It looks stunning and is practical for getting a peek at your cards as you deal them.
Get one: HERE
Bruce Bernstein has spent decades creating, refining and developing some of the most devious feats in mentalism. He’s become a trusted, go-to source for many of the greatest mind readers..
The book outlines mysteries with the most basic of objects: slips of paper, cards, and money, as well as inexplicable feats of thought reading: predictions, mind reading feats, psychometry, utility techniques for obtaining secret information, cold reading scripts and techniques, and more. Ten new essays compliment the tricks themselves, each written specifically for this book.
Get a copy: HERE
You begin by showing a US dollar bill and a Sharpie marker. You clip the marker behind the bill and when you turn the bill around the marker has completely disappeared, leaving only the clip. You can then produce the marker from wherever you like.
You are also taught how to have everything examined at the end. It is a very easy and interesting method that does not use any pulls, sleeves, black art, or magnets.
Watch and buy: HERE
►All Is Foreseen:
The routine is based around the premise of whether we have free will or everything in life has been foreseen.
You begin with a quote from an ancient book which theorizes that “Everything is foreseen, yet free will is given.” You then show a picture of a scale which will be used as a pointer when the spectator weighs their choices.
Three cards are then introduced bearing the words Chance, Choice, and Fate. Your friend is asked to move the scale to the one word that is most meaningful for them… or of how their lives have unraveled so far. Was it their choice, was it just a matter of chance, or was it fate.
They of course have a free choice, and you will show that their choice was predicted… was foreseen… So, did they really have a choice in what they chose?
Watch and buy: HERE
►August 6-9: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
►Sunday August 20: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Next newsletter will feature the new book I have been hinting at.
“As an entertainer, once a basic routine has been established, it’s your job to think and rethink your presentation and choice of materials.”
…Bruce Bernstein (Unreal, 2013)