Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,205
May 29, 2024
The Dan Garrett product line includes some DVDs that were widely released and some I never knew about that were predominantly sold at lectures. I only have a few of each that I will be offering you over the next few months. Today is his Kidshow Konnivery which includes his many family show and stand-up routines, along with a live kid show performance.
Wanted to also remind you that the introductory price for the Boomerang Rubber Band ends tomorrow. Oh, I forgot to mention that if you practice diligently the band can be made to run up your arm and land in your pocket!
You will also find some of the products that sold out recently, with more on the way.
►Kidshow Konnivery:
Learn real kid-tested routines for young audiences from Dan Garrett’s working repertoire. The DVD begins with selected portions of his live “Dan the Wizard” magic show for children followed with explanations to the routines.
Routines Include: Invisible Hare, Thumb Tipnique, Tooth Fairy, Triller, Karate Kid, The Un-Cut Rope, The Fastest Balloon Animal in the World, The Whole Tooth (and Nothing But the Tooth), The Mouse That Roared, World Famous Banana Trick, Hanky Mouse, Martian Rabbit Eggs, Over The Rainbow, Acey The Wonder Rabbit, plus sponge tips, music cue-tips, and much more.
Watch and buy: HERE
ID-360 stands for an Invisible Deck that can be performed surrounded, with both faces and backs in full view throughout.
Using a deck that is referred to as triple-double you can spread the cards, so all fifty-two faces and backs are seen before and after the routine.
You can do any of your favorite invisible deck routines with this deck. One of the advantages is that it can be in full view the entire time without it hiding in the box.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Boomerang Rubber Band:
When this routine and booklet first started circulating it caused a sensation in the magic field. Once mastered it will become your favorite feat and a reputation maker.
The routine is very simple, you stretch a rubber band around your outstretched thumb and little finger and then shoot the rubber band across the room. It travels around 10-15 feet and then hits the floor, undergoes serious reverse spins, and returns to you, rolling on its edge, like a wheel!
Download the PDF: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
One of the perks to selling out the Michael Rubinstein tricks is that it is an excuse to have lunches and dinners with him when he delivers them. Just got more of his mentalism trick.
►Conviction Prediction:
This is a mentalism/coincidence routine using coins and Poker chips.
You begin by displaying three Poker chips and letting three friends select one for themselves. You then show them four small envelopes containing four different coins and they select one of those as well. Throughout the process you give them a chance to change their mind because they are all free choices.
The envelopes are now opened revealing the different coins that were inside. You then reveal the surprise ending.
Even though they had every opportunity to switch chips and envelopes… when the chips are turned over, you show that they have permanent photographs of the matching selected coins embedded in them. Everything is now examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Wild Dice:
This starts out as a shell game routine using three matchboxes and a die. It quickly turns into a Cups and Balls type of routine with some impossible appearances, vanishes, and penetrations. It ends with a series of kicker endings with the production of up to nine dice.
What is unique about this routine is that it does not use any sleight of hand. The gimmicked boxes do all the work.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Traits & Emotions:
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human characteristics. You have them find a characteristic that reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
After a little byplay you will know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
►JUNE 16: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I continue to subsidize the worldwide shipping for most orders. Am forced to raise the minimum postage of orders outside the US to $20 for all orders under $100, this will include Canada. Even at this new price most orders will continue to be subsidized.
“It has been said that ‘practice makes perfect.’ This is a misnomer unless the methods practiced are basically correct and are adaptable to the end sought. Always make certain that the methods you are about to encompass are the best ones available before seriously commencing to practice, or you may find often to your sorrow that a great deal of time has been lost and many hours are necessary for the undoing.”
…Harlan Tarbell (Card Control, 1946)