Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #792
November 20, 2019
The demand for the N-Strippers in the last newsletter was more than I expected. They sold out in around an hour. Steph is working hard to get me a larger shipment this time, and they should be here in less than two weeks. The best way to get one is to sign up for notifications on the product page: HERE.
The way the notification system works is that as soon as I update the inventory the website immediately sends an email and a link for you to get one.
With all my travels and projects lately, I have been ignoring the production of video downloads and the release of the older DVDs as videos.
This week I decided to start putting together the six volume Impromptu Card Magic Series I shot with Aldo Colombini. The amount and quality of the card routines is fantastic, and the best part is that all the routines are simple and impromptu. Also, overwhelming.
The first video that I am releasing features 15 card routines. Your job is to find one or two that you like, that fit your personality and skill level and most importantly, it must be a routine you will enjoy performing. If you find that one routine that will stay with you for the rest of your life it is worth more than 100 times your initial investment.
Trying to learn more than one at a time is almost impossible. I recommend learning each trick, playing with it and perform it a few times for friends. Then do the same with the next one, etc… That is what I always did with books and it made me a well-rounded magician with the appearance of being knowledgeable.
Impromptu Close-Up Magic #1:
Routines include: Quick & Direct (Harry Lorayne), Trost And Us (Mike Rogers), Family Reunion (Aldo Colombini), The Nervous Ace (Tom Daugherty), The Great Thirstin (Marty Kane), A Lucky Card (Richard Vollmer), More Lies (Robert E. Neale), Duck And Deal (Aldo Colombini), Twinkey (J.K. Hartman), Count On Them (Aldo Colombini), Dancing (Aldo Colombini), Vintage (Aldo Colombini), Aria (Aldo Colombini), Backfire (Aldo Colombini), and Sarabanda (Aldo Colombini).
The trailer features the performance of five of my favorite routines. As usual the introductory price will end on Tuesday.
Watch & buy: HERE.
Oh, if none of these 15 tricks grab you, don’t worry this is a six-volume set with a total of 90 routines. More to come…
Torn Card Machine:
You may have noticed that many of the magicians appearing on TV lately have been doing a version of card to impossible location where they rip a corner of the card and give it as a receipt while the rest of the card is destroyed or vanished to later appear in an impossible location and the corner receipt matches perfectly.
Many of them were using a version of the Juan Pablo’s Torn Card system. This new version which he is calling version 2.0 has many advantages over his previous release. You basically get a template where you can place any card, and have it perforated along with its duplicate, so when the corners of both cards are torn, they seem to match perfectly. You can now use any brand of cards that you like.
Watch & buy: HERE.
I also just received another shipment of the Tenyo Four Nightmares DX. As you know, when you buy them from me you get English instructions and a video tutorial. Not sure if I will be able to get anymore this year.
Get your nightmares: HERE.
Also Back In Stock:
CIB: Cards In Bag (The Duviviers): HERE.
Believe (Gary Brown): HERE.
Mueller Report Regular Size (Sam Sléibhín): HERE.
Mueller Report Mini Size (Sam Sléibhín): HERE.
Stay tuned for the next newsletter, that is scheduled for Saturday morning. I will be announcing the release of my latest product. There are less than 100 that will be available at this time (possibly this year).
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Dec 21: Performing at Comix Comedy Club at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
►Jan 18-21: Exhibiting at the SAM National Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Info: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.