Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,220
July 20, 2024
Earlier this week at the Comix Roadhouse, where I perform once a month in Jim Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show, I got the opportunity to perform live for various people while Jim recorded me. That footage was used to make the trailer for Dan Garrett’s Heartz. Take a look: HERE
I repackaged the inventory that I purchased, added a detailed video tutorial, and am making the trick available again.
But it turns out that the sponge hearts that come with the trick were made for Dan by Goshman. They were made using an experimental super soft sponge that does not easily tear and can be compressed smaller than any other. It is unfortunate that once I sell the 70 pieces I have, it is unlikely that those hearts will ever be made again.
I really like this trick and really enjoy performing it. I have fooled many magicians with the opening production. I think you will really enjoy doing this.
A beautiful routine using sponge hearts that seem to appear out of thin air.
Although there are many possibilities for these props, the basic routine begins by showing both your hands empty and using them to form a heart, which is the international symbol for love.
In the most visual and impossible way a red sponge heart appears between your fingertips!
You then introduce a pen and hold it behind the heart forming the famous cupid’s arrow image.
You hand the arrow to your friend and have them tap your hand which splits the sponge heart into two hearts.
Explaining that two hearts beat as one you place one heart in your hand and the other in your friends’. Your friend taps your hand with the arrow (pen) and then taps theirs. Magically your heart vanishes and appears in their hand proving that the magic of love is alive and well. Everything is now examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
Wanted to also remind you that the introductory sale price for Forward Into The Past download expires on Tuesday.
►Forward Into The Past:
At some point Dan Garrett decided to put together CDs which contained PDF books and videos to sell at his lectures instead of printed booklets and DVDs. This also allowed him to write more detailed descriptions, include many different variants to the tricks as well as discuss how to present them.
Forward Into The Past PDF contents include: Magi-Fest Jest, Knife Act, Unassisted Triple Play, Desire Under The Elms(leys), The Godmother Of All Book Tests, Up The Creek With A Paddle, Magic vs. Technology, Two Foreseen, Hello, Mr. Chips!, The Summation, About Duke Stern, and much more.
Forward Into The Past Video Supplement contents include: The Paddle Move, Through The Fist, The Propeller Change, Double Knife Move, Appearance By The Pinky, Push & Take Vanish, FTL Move, A Multiple Sequence, Knife Act (full routine), False Card Turnover, One-Hand Turn And Back, Printing A Business Card, ATFUS Move, Veeser Count, Triple Play Sequence (ATFUS-Veeser Sequence), The Pinch Vanish, The Pinch Switch, False Coin Turnover, and Duke Stern’s Two Copper To Two Silver.
Get a copy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
►AUGUST 4-7: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
►AUGUST 18: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Coincidentally the last time I saw Dan, while we were having a conversation about magic, he casually showed his hands empty and produced the heart. I was completely caught off guard… and fooled.
“Trying to correct your view will only make the illusion look poor from the audience view.”
…Dan Garrett (Top Ten Lecture Notes, 1996)