Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #787
October 23, 2019
Just got back from my Buffalo tour and had an aMAZEing time. This was the first time I attended the the Buffalo52 Convention and it is by far the most casual event I have ever been to. The casualness leads to the friendship and camaraderie that results. Imagine 52 advanced card magicians sessioning for three straight days while basically hanging out in a bar.

I was hired to do just one thing. A Gene Maze Tribute Lecture… I was the only event that day and was given free reign… So, I used up the entire afternoon. I expected to do well because Gene’s magic is exceptional… But I was immediately shocked at the great responses I was getting and coasted through everything I had prepared. Here is a photo by Gary Plants of me channeling Gene. The attendee’s interest, questions and enthusiasm is what made the day very special for me. I doubt if I could replicate the experience.
But will try when I present the same lecture at Marc DeSouza’s on Nov. 6. If you are near Philadelphia, you can try e-mailing him for a ticket. His email is: fkaps@aol.com
The next day I had a day off, so Keith Randolph invited me to join him at the Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins football game. I was one of more than 74,000 people at the stadium (why can’t magicians do that?). Turns out that I was on the fifth row at the Bills’ 20-yard line… and almost the entire game took place in that area, right in front of me… and the Bills won 31-21. A great day.
The final event was a lecture for IBM Ring #12 in Buffalo (actually in Tonowanda). Although I have lectured for them in the past, this was the first time this century. I presented my current lecture with many of my original creations that are only available at the lectures. The capacity audience was fun and we joked a lot as we went through the card and coin routines.
While I was away, a few items that I have been waiting for have finally arrived.

In Through The Out Box:
Doc Dockerty came up with a very clever ending for the classic Lubor Fiedler Gozinta Boxes. You begin by opening a small red box, inside it is a black box, inside the black box is a sponge ball. You now place the red outer box inside the black box that was just inside… which is impossible.
You then explain that it is even more impossible than it appears because the two boxes are exactly the same size and when you open them… each one is filled with a metal block.
Watch & Buy: HERE.
Tenyo’s Four Nightmares:
I happily keep selling out of these but for now, I can get more. While I was away another shipment arrived. Don’t forget, when you get it from me it includes video instructions and written English instructions.
Get it: HERE.
Also just replenished the sold-out inventory of:
►Roberto Giobbi’s Art Of Switching Decks (2 left): HERE.
►Astor’s Longitudinal Axis Penetration (4 left): HERE.
►Supersized KFC Coins (2 left): HERE.

Joe Louis:
Not magic but has a magic connection. Joe Louis was one of the most historically influential and best boxers of all time. It would take an entire book for me to just list his accomplishments. Just google him and you will be surprised.
Candice, his daughter, is married to my friend George Joseph, who also lectured at Buffalo52. He brought a few copies of his new book about Joe and I picked up all he had left at the end of the convention and had him autograph them.
Candice & George house the largest Joe Louis memorabilia collection and it is scattered throughout the book which is an easy read that highlights his impact on the United States and its civil rights struggles.
Get the Joe Louis book: HERE.
For everything George Joseph go: HERE.

Halloween Magic Revue:
The Thursday edition of the show will feature Robert Jägerhorn, who is one of Finland’s best magicians and a FISM champ. We were lucky to get him because he is in town doing his one-man show, off-Broadway at Theatre Row. If you can’t make our show on Halloween, you can catch him on Nov. 2 in NYC. Info: HERE.
For tix and cast of the Halloween shows:
Thursday Oct 31: HERE.
Friday Nov 1: HERE.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Oct 31: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
►Nov 1: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
►Nov 6: Presenting an exclusive Gene Maze Tribute Lecture at the Marc DeSouza Theater in Wayne, PA.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.