Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,215
July 3, 2024
One of the most creative magic book titles I ever came across was when Kreskin gave me a copy of his book titled, “How To Be A Fake Kreskin.” It was a funny title but was also full of implications.
The book was released to the public which meant that most magicians never bought one or looked through it. It also means that it is very inexpensive.
Also decided to release a download of one of Sol Stone’s favorite routines. I saw him perform it hundreds of times because he always used it as the opening routine whenever he met people.
►How To Be A Fake Kreskin:
This is a book of stunts and tricks that Kreskin has collected to demonstrate supernatural abilities and hypnotic seeming impossibilities. All of them are very easy to accomplish and many of them are suitable to teach children how to exhibit some impossible powers.
Throughout Kreskin’s career there have been many detractors who tried to discredit him and publish what they thought he was doing. Many of those methods are also included in this book. It is kind of Kreskin exposing the exposers.
As David Meyer explained in the preface: “The experiments you will read in this book are the easy explanations of feats he has performed, but they are not what takes place when Kreskin actually performs. No, these are the methods proposed by Kreskin’s imitators and detractors. With this book, Kreskin has decided to expose those who believe they are exposing him. If the methods contained in this book were actually used by Kreskin, he would not be revealing them in this or any other book.”
Watch and buy: HERE
►Ring On Ring Off:
When asked to perform for non-magicians in an intimate situation Sol Stone almost always began with this routine. It was a fast ice breaker that let his audience know that he was just going to have fun with them.
It is a two-phase routine using a borrowed finger ring and a borrowed pen (although Sol often used his own). After everything is examined, your friend puts the ring on top of the pen that is in your hand. The ring somehow ends up linked to the pen that is now held by the spectator. After some cute byplay the ring now penetrates off the pen and everything is examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Cabaret Connivery:
Dan Garrett teaches formal close-up and stand-up routines from his working repertoire. He also demonstrates how close-up magic can be presented in a parlor environment.
Routines and techniques include: Sphere It!, Roots, Rings Of Saturn, Ultimate Card Revelation, Brainwave Connection, Produce-tion (The Del Monte Johnson Prediction), Pickle Trick, The Underhanded Overhand Shuffle, The Professor’s Daydream: An excellent variation and presentation of Bob Carver’s Equal & Unequal Ropes. Plastic Cash 4.2 (The Spindle), Mutated Spider Vanish, and Four Card Reiteration.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Plastic Production Pan:
This is a plastic production box built in a similar style as the old dove pans and chick pans… but with a difference.
Because it is square instead of round you have full control of when and if you want the load chamber to dislodge into the lower pan. This allows you to start with the pan assembled, open it to show it empty, close it again and then reveal the full production. The methodology is explained in the trailer.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
►JULY 14: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: In the next newsletter I will introduce you to more than 100 unique decks of cards.
“If the secret of Kreskin’s phenomenal success had to be summed up in a single word, that word would be sincerity.”
…David Meyer (How To Be A Fake Kreskin, 1996)