Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,250
November 9, 2024
The which hand or which location plot has been a classic routine that dates back a few hundred years. The guessing procedure itself is used in games like the opening of a Chess match or even in gambling, like three shell and monte games. Even the cups and balls routine is basically a version of that.
The methods have improved as technology has improved and the version below is excellent for many reasons. One of the interesting things about it is that its a magnet detector. As soon as it gets within six inches of a magnet it begins to silently vibrate.
As I was thinking about what I can do with it instead of guessing which hand a coin is in, I remembered an old routine where a coin was placed under one of three coffee cups, and you had to divine which cup had the coin. The two very good and very old methods I played with, used math and a short procedure or a long hair that was attached to the coin which you could see sticking out if you knew what to look for.
So now that technology is involved, and people are aware of magnets I thought that a fun routine could be one of hide and seek at a dinner table. First you will need a little creature made of yarn which you will insert a magnet into. Then as you turn around, have all your friends turn their cups over and have one of them put the creature under it. Your job will be to find it.
Of course, the easiest and cheapest way to do this is to use a stooge… but I don’t have any stooges for sale!
One of the best “which hand” electronic devices, it is the smallest, and most reliable. At its core It is a magnet detector, so it can be used to find any item that can have a magnet imbedded in it.
While the best psychic in the world can only guess whether a coin is in someone’s left or right hand 50% of the time, Espionage grants you the ability any psychic would desire. It allows you to not only determine the audience’s choice, but also information they themselves are unaware of! They choose which hand to hide the coin behind their back, and you can pinpoint its location and whether it’s heads or tails-even the spectators won’t know!
Watch and buy: HERE
Wanted to also remind you that the introductory price for Mike Bornstein’s download expires on Tuesday.
►Triple Matchit:
This is a simple card routine with a whimsical revelation. Two specific cards are selected, you show a dollar bill and explain that the spectators can have it if you can’t match it. As you say that you turn the bill into a matchbook (get it? match). You then ask one of the spectators to name their card and when the match book is opened a replica of their card is seen inside. Upon closing and reopening the matchbook the second card is revealed.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Instant Transfer:
A visual change of a folded and paper-clipped card into a dollar bill is used as a kicker ending for a multiphase card routine. The finale is so fast it looks like trick photography.
The routine begins with a selected and signed card that is lost in the deck. It then jumps to the top. It is repeated with a paperclip on it. The paper-clipped card then changes places with a tabled Joker.
The spectator then folds their card into quarters as you show the same with a dollar bill. Both are then paper-clipped. They then change places while in the spectator’s hand.
Then comes the final visual transposition as seen on the trailer.
Watch and buy: HERE
Dan Harlan’s Card-Toon is one of the best-selling magic tricks of the last century and possibly in history. Just got a bunch of his remastered version back in stock.
►Card-Toon Remastered:
You introduce a deck of cards with drawings on the back. The drawings are a charming little stick figure standing on a stage. You show that each card is just a little different, and if you flip through the deck, the drawings become a flip book of a magician performing a trick. The drawings animate, showing the magician removing his hat, reaching inside, and then pulling out a rabbit.
Ask your audience to name any card. That card is removed from the deck and set aside. You show the back of the deck again and display the animation one more time. This time when you flip all the way through the deck, the magician doesn’t just pull the rabbit out of the hat. The rabbit magically transforms into a playing card that is a prediction of the freely named card.
Watch and buy: HERE
►NOVEMBER 10: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: A few magicians said they might come to the Spinnato show to see me after the Collector’s Conference on Sunday. Should be fun, but I won’t be able to hang out after the show since I got tickets to see Wayne Newton next door. Yes, he is still alive!
“Any sufficiently advanced magic leaves technology in the dust!”
…Dan Garrett (Forward Into The Past, 2012)