Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #790
November 9, 2019
Just got back from Marc DeSouza’s Theater where I presented the Gene Maze Tribute Lecture for the second time. I was once again, very happy with the way it was received. Will hopefully have the opportunity to do it again someday.
As you are reading this, I am probably driving to Bensalem in preparation for the Super Sunday convention on Sunday. The headliner is the very funny and talented Stephen Bargatze.
This will probably be my last magicians’ event of the year. Will finally have a few weeks at home to finish two big projects that are close to being done.
This week I am introducing you to Paul Hallas’ latest book on card magic. I like his stuff and even put out two of his tricks (ESPecially Wild and Hare Raising Hats). At my request Paul agreed to autograph all the copies. Get one now.
Card Magic For The Enthusiast:
Routines include: Under Pressure, Traveler In Time, Being In The Right Place, Up/Down Oil and Water, Assembly Reverse, Simple Addition, The Marriage, Repeat Bluff Sandwich, Foursome-Moresome, Before-Some, Wouldn’t Play Cards With You, Streamlined Jumbo, The Dudeney Coincidence, Soft Curve, The Special Spectacles, The Tree of Knowledge, Direct Gypsy, A Cato Named Klondyke, Pinky Ovette, Center Double Control, Simple Double Card Control, Thoughts on Multiple Card Revelations, Fate of Fortune, Squaring the Circle, Dominant Arthur, Combo, and Magic for Distant Friends.
Get the Enthusiast: HERE.
Along with this shipment of books Paul also included autographed copies of his previous books. Get them now.
►Across The Void: HERE.
►OOPS Just Cards: HERE.
►OOPS Magic And Mentalism: HERE.
For everything Paul Hallas go: HERE.

The November issue of Rivertown Magazine just arrived with my latest column. This month I decided to teach a mathematical game that can be used as a proposition bet. I re-worked the math and made it almost self-working by using a deck of cards. I think you will like it. And it is FREE. It appears on pages 120-121.
Read or download the latest issue: HERE.
I also just received a few more of the TUC Red Poker Chip Sets that I work with and offer during my regular lectures. Get one: HERE.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Nov 10: Exhibiting at Super Sunday in Bensalem, PA. Info: HERE.
►Dec 21: Performing at Comix Comedy Club at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.