Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #748
April 3, 2019
A while ago my friend Joe Hernandez emailed me some funny observations about magic. I laughed so he made up some more, and more until he had around a hundred of them. It became an obsession with him and all of a sudden, he had 500. He mentioned that if he could come up with more of them it would make a nice booklet. He was striving for 1,001. Well the story continues until he decided to slow down at around 3,000.
Conjurer’s Wisdom:
So that little booklet became a 244-page book with 3,333 memes, observations, confabulations, oxymorons, facts, advice, and much more about magic. Everyone who has seen it has fallen in love with the short quotes that are often humorous and inspirational. They might even give you some patter ideas.
One of my favorites is: “Frank Garcia, the Man with the Million Dollar Hands, was fond of wearing a five-dollar ring.”
Since Joe is a friend of mine, he agreed to autograph all the copies I have.
Get his fun book: HERE.
My other longtime friend is George Schindler. He has been a good friend who encouraged and helped me for my entire magic career. He even wrote my second book, Close-Up Hallucinations, and is currently the Dean of the Society of American Magicians. He also just turned 90 years young last Sunday.
In honor if his 90th birthday I am releasing his Entertaining First! video as this week’s digital download.
Entertainment First!
George Schindler has been a professional magician for more than 50 years. On this video he shares his lifetime of knowledge as he performs and teaches the routines he has used throughout his career. George is an outstanding performer, author, ventriloquist, comedian and public speaker.
The video starts with a 20-minute performance of his professional “go to” act. He then teaches many of the routines in the act and the routines he performs often.
You will learn his Sponge Ball Routine, Coin In The Ring, Card Routine, Comic Prediction, Silk Penetration, Chop Cup Routine, and Polaroid Money.
Watch & buy: HERE.
I really enjoy flipping through Joe’s book and loved watching George’s video again. I remember thinking when we put it together, I really need to learn some of these routines. Maybe now I will.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.