Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #765
June 19, 2019
Last week’s newsletter featured Fadeout, which is one of my best-selling routines. I really appreciate all of you purchasing it. It validated my decision to keep it semi-exclusive.
If you are not familiar with Fadeout. Watch: HERE.
Fadeout was one of the releases that over performed expectations. Most do not become that popular and some underperform. One of those sleepers is Divide And Conquer. I went through a lot of trouble to release it and not enough people cared.

Before I get into the routine, I wanted to discuss the manufacture of giant card tricks. It was made of the same material as Max Maven’s Giant B’Wave. People don’t realize that once a piece of cardboard or plastic gets large there are two problems that pop in. The biggest problem is the sway. Most plastics and boards when held at the corners will begin to bend and flex. The second is thickness vs. opacity. The thinner the material the more likely it would be that once a spotlight hits it your audience would be able to see through it.
Both problems were solved when the silk screeners I was working with recommended I have custom manufactured boards just for these tricks. And I did just that and produced several tricks with these giant cards: Joker Poker, Giant B’Wave, Power Aces, Great Card Escape, Giant Princess Cards, and Divide And Conquer.
The reason I stopped manufacturing these giant card tricks is because the minimum order for the special stock increased from $5,000 to $14,000. Which is a little too much to invest, at this time.

Divide And Conquer:
I just made a short video trailer that shows what it is and explains the basic routine. What I wanted to do at the time was to produce a stage-size variant of the Three-and-a-Half of Clubs gag. I decided to make it into a routine with the Five of Spades on one side and the Fourteen of Clubs on the other.
That way you can force the Ten of Spades and the Seven of Clubs and explain that your two predictions are half and double the spectator’s selections. Or you can just use the 14 of Clubs as a standalone bit. It is a nice quick gag that you can carry with you in case of an emergency or incorporate it into any stand-up routine.
Watch & Buy: HERE.
By the way I do have some Giant Princess Cards left: HERE.
This week’s release was going to be something really unique. But when I got the first shipment, I decided to take all of them with me to Super Sunday. If you plan to be there you will not be able to miss it. I promise… the new release with be staring you in the face.
For more info about Super Sunday go: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.