Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,257
December 6, 2024
I mentioned a few months ago that I was planning to shut down my Gambling Incorporated website and discontinue operating the corporation. This week I was finally able to move all the products, 250+ items, to the MyMagic website. The items can be found in three categories: Playing Cards, Gaming/Cheating, and Gambling. You can click the three images below to see what is in each category.
This is a quickie you can do while having a meal with some friends. Does not take any effort and can be presented as a stunt or a display of skill instead of magic.
►Balancing Quarter:
Using the standard method, you show two US Quarters and try to balance one on top of the other. By holding one coin between your thumb and fingers you can place the second coin on its edge, and it will stay there. If you want, you can even turn the coin once it is balanced.
This is a quick stunt you can always carry with you and use. Ideally you remove a pocketful of change, pick up the two gimmicked quarters and proceed with the stunt. The coins are not examinable, but you can easily add them back to the pile of coins and put them back in your pocket. If necessary, you can remove two different ones at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Games You Can’t Lose:
This funny, smart and totally wicked book unveils the tricks behind the cons, swindles, and wagers that separate fools and their money in streets, bars, carnivals, casinos and racetracks every day. Learn how not to get suckered — or at least how to laugh if you do!
Written by Harry Anderson and Turk Pipkin and first published in 1989 for the general public. This edition was released by Burford Books, Inc. in 2001. An 8.5×5.5-inch, softcover, 162-pages with many illustrations and photographs. Every copy has been hand-autographed by Harry Anderson.
Get a copy: HERE
Got a few more Flower Powers in stock. I really like this. It is a quick and illogical surprise that can be incorporated into just about any trick. It always gets a reaction.
►Flower Power:
This is a terrific close-up magic utility device that produces a small feather flower tree whenever you want it. It can be incorporated into any routine that has a piece of steel or magnet that the magnetic tree can attach to. The tree remains hidden inside a hollow sharpie until you want to produce it.
It is ideal as an ending or an interlude during any intimate close-up routine. You will be surprised at the reactions you get when a tiny bouquet of flowers is produced out of nowhere.
Watch and buy: HERE
►DECEMBER 15: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Was planning on releasing a card book on the 14th and a coin book on the 21st. Unfortunately delays with the printers might push the releases back a few weeks. Will know more soon.
“Besides performing, many professional magicians (including myself) have a couple of different ‘faucets’ to turn on for income.”
…Doc Eason (Cocktails & Doc Tales, 2024)