Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,214
June 29, 2024
Introducing you to Dan Garrett’s Cabaret Connivery DVD made me think. Most of the routines taught on the program I would classify as formal close-up as opposed to parlor or cabaret. The routines are ideal for stand-up shows in front of small groups like the ones you would find at trade shows or magic conventions.
In my mind I always envisioned the following categories in size order: Intimate Magic, Formal Close-Up, Parlor Magic, and Stage Magic, where many of the routines can be performed in the adjoining categories.
I also received a few of Steph Lac’s WSOP tricks below. I like it very much. But I am not the only one…
►Cabaret Connivery:
Dan Garrett teaches formal close-up and stand-up routines from his working repertoire. He also demonstrates how close-up magic can be presented in a parlor environment.
Routines and techniques include: Sphere It!, Roots, Rings Of Saturn, Ultimate Card Revelation, Brainwave Connection, Produce-tion (The Del Monte Johnson Prediction), Pickle Trick, The Underhanded Overhand Shuffle, The Professor’s Daydream: An excellent variation and presentation of Bob Carver’s Equal & Unequal Ropes. Plastic Cash 4.2 (The Spindle), Mutated Spider Vanish, and Four Card Reiteration.
Watch and buy: HERE
One of the highlights of Steph Lac’s lectures is his WSOP routine which demonstrates a dream scenario under impossible conditions.
Your spectators shuffle the deck as many times as they want. You cut the cards and they deal five hands of Texas Hold’Em Poker. They select one hand and keep it for themselves. The rest of the cards are dealt in the traditional style (can even be dealt by the spectator) and they end up with a Royal Flush!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Plastic Production Pan:
This is a plastic production box built in a similar style as the old dove pans and chick pans… but with a difference.
Because it is square instead of round you have full control of when and if you want the load chamber to dislodge into the lower pan. This allows you to start with the pan assembled, open it to show it empty, close it again and then reveal the full production. The methodology is explained in the trailer.
Watch and buy: HERE
This item is already in stock, but I forgot to include a photo of the coins you get. We put this version out in response to the increase in the price of silver and to allow you to match the set of coins you already use. Many have asked for a version that uses standard Kennedy Half Dollars. Very few left.
►Dual Position Copper Silver Copper:
Connie Haden’s original Silver And Two Copper Transposition is a classic of coin magic which sparked hundreds of variations and handlings. This new gimmicked version designed by Ted Bogusta is likely the best.
What Ted did was take the classic set of coins and infused them with his DPS (Dual Position Magnetic System). The custom magnetic system allows you to do all the basic and classic routines plus many more displays and sequences that were never possible before.
Watch and buy: HERE
I decided to continue the introductory sale prices on all of Dan Garrett’s magic until I am able to offer you many more of his tricks, books, and lecture notes.
►JULY 14: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Just realized that I will have to ship my booth to Magic Live in three weeks. Not sure I can finish making all my new releases in time. But will try… who needs sleep anyway!
“Learn to speak while shuffling.”
…Dan Garrett (Top Ten Lecture Notes, 1996)