Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #778
September 8, 2019
Had a fantastic night at the SAM Parent Assembly on Friday night. Besides the magic, I had a chance to reminisce and tell stories about our mutual friends. It was the first magic club I joined, and it is just as friendly now as it ever was.
Also wanted to thank all of you for your response to my latest release. At this moment I only have four of Gene Maze’s Catch Me & Win left from the first run. I am working very hard on having more made in time for the Penguin Maxx Convention that starts on Friday. I also appreciate all the kind comments and emails I have received about them.
This week I am introducing you to two different playing card carriers.

Crocodile Deck Holster:
I ordered these from Anthony Gerard in April, and it has taken him this long to make them.
Each one is made by hand using his unique design. It is sturdy, it’s clasp system can detach to slip on your belt without taking it off. It can also be attached to many different locations.
Don’t worry no Crocodiles were harmed in making these. It is made of Cowhide that has been dyed and stamped to look like Crocodile skin.
Look and buy: HERE.

Deck Shooter:
Hanson Chien also introduced a new design for a deck carrier.
This one is unique in that it is made of sturdy leather and has a magnetic latch and an opening on the bottom. By pushing up on the deck in jumps out.
The first time I tried it I was surprised because I apparently used too much force and it shot out across the room.
Watch and buy: HERE
Penguin Maxx:
I always have a great time at the Penguin Maxx and Penguin Expo events and am excited to have a booth at the New Jersey edition that takes place on Friday and Saturday.
They just added R. Paul Wilson and Jason England who will be doing a combined lecture on Erdnase on Friday night. The Saturday lectures include Max Maven, Garrett Thomas, Brent Braun, and Dan Harlan. Plus, shows, workshops and more.
It occurred to me that these live lectures will cost you a tiny fraction of what the downloads cost.
If you are in the New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware area you should really consider attending.
Info and registration: HERE.
Mind Games Reloaded:
I was going to wait before mentioning this show on September 20 in Piermont NY but the owner of the theater emailed me last week to tell me that the show is filling up fast and should easily sell-out to laypeople. I wanted to give my magician friends a heads up. If you were considering going you should get the tickets now.
Information can be found: HERE.
Hope to see some of you at the Maxx,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.