Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,287
March 19, 2025
A few years ago, I offered you the out of print and collectible Roy Benson By Starlight book. It eventually sold out. Fred Pittella surprised me with a few more copies the other day. They are all brand new, still shrink wrapped, from the Larry Weeks estate, and were in storage all this time.
Before writing this newsletter, I searched the web to see what they are currently going for. I was surprised to see a used copy on Amazon for $1,103.45. It really tempted me to raise the price. But I will keep it the same… for now.
Also, Roy Benson was an actor and appeared in several movies as a magician. His appearance in the 1938 movie “The Lady Objects” as George Martin, can be seen on MagicTimes. He performs his billiard ball routine and torn and restored newspaper at around the 9-minute mark. He then performs his Chinese Sticks routine at around the 31-minute mark.
Watch it: HERE
►Roy Benson By Starlight:
Roy Benson was a legendary magician and comedian who was way ahead of his time. Besides being a magician, he was also a movie actor and musician. He also had appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show and The Tonight Show.
Close-Up magicians know him as the creator of the classic Benson Bowl Routine, stage magicians likely know him as the inventor of the Long Salt Pour, but probably don’t realize that they are using his techniques, routines, and bits for the Chinese Sticks, Miser’s Dream, Linking Rings, Multiplying Billiard Balls, and much more.
This is a monumental book that looks at his life, his career, his magic, his comedy, and so much more. In addition to the new unearthed information and essays the book reprints the very rare “Benson On Magic” booklet and his previously unpublished book “The Second Oldest Profession.” There are more than fifty effects, routines and sleights explained in detail.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Keys To Magic’s Inner World:
This book is a window into the history of magic collecting in the United States. You will learn about the earliest collectors and collections as they evolved and morphed into the present industry.
You visit the magic museums and private collections of leaders in this fascinating fellowship across America. Many collections occupy only two or three shelves, a few scrapbooks or a drawer in the owner’s home, while others engulf homes, warehouses, and private museums.
Being a collector is mostly the pleasure of hunting and victory! Collectibles have soared in value. This book offers guidance in choices you can’t afford to miss.
The book also includes many new photographs of collections and collectors that have come into existence or expanded in the last quarter of the century.
Watch and buy: HERE
►APRIL 13: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►APRIL 23-26: Appearing and displaying at the 4F Magic Convention in Buffalo, NY. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If you missed out on the autographed Jim Sisti book. More are on the way. You can sign up for notifications: HERE
“It is reassuring to know that there are so many dedicated custodians of artifacts, the preservation of which is vital to a proper appreciation of magic history.”
…Edwin A. Dawes (Keys To Magic’s Inner World, 2025)