Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,122
July 22, 2023
John Bannon and I have known each other for most of our lives. He recently told me that we first met when I visited him at work. What I didn’t remember or know is that I visited him at the Pentagon where he used to work.
Since that time, he created and published hundreds of outstanding routines that are regularly performed by just about everyone. The key to his popularity is the directness, cleverness, and ease of execution to all his magic.
A few months ago, I offered you his latest book. Today I can offer you the two popular books that were just reprinted.
You may also know that I produced some of his earliest releases. For more Bannon go: HERE
John Bannon brings his devious card magic talents to bear on mentalism and mental magic with playing cards. John is known for constructing layered, easy-to-do effects with playing cards. These routines are no exception.
Despite this particular focus, Mentalissimo is aimed at mentalists and magicians, amateurs and professionals, who like finely-crafted, practical, and commercial demonstrations of psychic phenomena.
You can expect: Squeaky-clean revelations of truly thought-of cards. Demonstrations of psychic ability that can’t be explained simply as coincidence. Clear, commercial prediction systems. Offbeat treatments of classic mental effects from “Add-a-Number” to “Out of This World.”
Get a copy: HERE
►Destination Zero:
John Bannon presents twenty-five new self-working card routines. Not your typical non-sleight-of-hand tricks, Bannon has thoroughly analyzed these effects and backed up subtle principles with the careful, layered construction he is known for.
Anyone can cobble together a couple of principles and call it a “trick.” Bannon looks for synergies and leverages the method as much as possible. His objective: “One plus one should equal three—or more. Otherwise, why bother?”
All with regular cards, without gaffs, crimps, pencil dots, “punches,” or marks. These highly-refined constructions will change the way you think about self-working card magic.
Get a copy: HERE

A few weeks ago, I introduced you to a warehouse find of Nat Litt silks. The End silks sold out immediately, but my friend just found a few more hidden away at his warehouse. I was able to get them in blue, green, and my favorite Maroon. To read what I wrote about them when I introduced them go: HERE
To buy a few, go: HERE
►All Is Foreseen:
The routine is based around the premise of whether we have free will or everything in life has been foreseen.
You begin with a quote from an ancient book which theorizes that “Everything is foreseen, yet free will is given.” You then show a picture of a scale which will be used as a pointer when the spectator weighs their choices.
Three cards are then introduced bearing the words Chance, Choice, and Fate. Your friend is asked to move the scale to the one word that is most meaningful for them… or of how their lives have unraveled so far. Was it their choice, was it just a matter of chance, or was it fate.
They of course have a free choice, and you will show that their choice was predicted… was foreseen… So, did they really have a choice in what they chose?
Watch and buy: HERE
►August 6-9: Exhibiting at Magic Live! in Las Vegas. Info: HERE
►Sunday August 20: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Max Maven’s Parallax quickly sold out on Wednesday, but I am getting another shipment on Monday. You can sign up for notifications: HERE
“The best tricks can be spoiled by poor presentation; on the other hand, very simple tricks can be turned into excellent mysteries by good presentation.”
…Walter Gibson (Howard Thurston 200 Tricks You Can Do, 1926)