Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #771
July 27, 2019
Wanted to thank you for all your support and kind words and wishes. Harry Anderson used to often tell me, “Be careful what you wish for… you might actually get it.” I was thinking about that as I spent most of the last two days at the steaming hot warehouse packing orders. …Not that I am complaining… beats the alternative.
Wanted to remind you that the 40% off sale ends tonight at midnight.
For a complete list of the sales items go: HERE.

I also put a list together of the ten best selling items, this week, in order:
1) Amazing Jumping Arrow: HERE.
2) Coin Trick Carrier: HERE.
3) Herb Zarrow: A Lifetime of Magic: HERE.
4) ESPecially Wild: HERE.
5) Stars Of Magic: HERE.
6) Card & Coin Pouch: HERE.
7) Seeing Stars: HERE.
8) WOW Book Test 6: HERE.
9) Fifty-Two Thoughts: HERE.
10) Jumbo Coincidence: HERE.
Everything is: HERE.
Spending all that time at the warehouse I found some inventory I didn’t know I had. Added two of them to the sales list and the other is interesting.

Visual Coin Assembly:
I thought I sold out of these and already started the process of releasing a new edition. Turns out I had 23 coins and covers but no instructions.
Printed them last night and can ship now. It is a fantastic Matrix routine under a shot glass created by Mike Gallo. It is intermediate to advanced but excellent.
Get it: HERE.

Last Monte:
Once again, I thought I sold out but found a bunch of card sets and covers but no instructions.
Printed them and you can now get Harry Anderson’s brilliant Monte routine at 40% off. I used to open all my formal shows with that routine as a public service announcement.
Get it: HERE.

Stretching Dollar Bill Gag:
Many people have been asking me about these machine die-cut stretching bills and I have spent more than 15 years trying to find a Die-Cutter to make them. Met with around a half dozen experts with different types of equipment who all said they could do it but failed.
I don’t know how the originator made them. I have the steel rule die which impressed the people I showed it to. They all told me the die is a piece of artwork that would cost between $600-$2,000 to make today and they weren’t even sure there is anyone who would go through the trouble.
Anyway, I found 10 of the original ones at the warehouse. Raised the price a little and am offering it to you: HERE.
Will be leaving for Vegas on Friday so you will likely not hear from me until I get back. Hopefully with lots of goodies for me and some even for you.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.