Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #782
September 25, 2019
This weekend was very busy with two Mind Games Reloaded shows. The Turning Point show completely sold-out and they were turning away many people. The Parlor of Mystery show was 2-3 seats shy of selling-out. The best part for me, since I really don’t have too many opportunities to do my stage act is to tighten the material while trying out some subtleties and see how they fit.
But now I am back home and will be around for the next three weeks.

G.T.F.M aka Vernon’s Influence:
At the recent Penguin Maxx convention R. Paul Wilson had one of the sleeper hits that he was demonstrating at his booth. Actually, it is the only thing he had with him to sell and he spent the entire day fooling people with it and selling it.
At the end of the convention I picked up a bunch of them and, as usual, I had him autograph every single booklet. It is a self-working routine where the spectator apparently makes every decision along the way but ends up selecting the previously predicted card. Turns out that at the moment I am the only one you can get this from.
Get one: HERE.
Rage Therapy:
This week’s video download is a routine that Rafael Benatar included as a bonus to his Cups & Balls DVD.
I think it is very good and visual. You roll a green silk into a ball and place it in a cup. The cup is covered by a different colored silk and the silk is attached to the cup with a rubber band. Then the inner silk begins to visually penetrate and crawl out of the cup right through the center of the outer silk.
The nice thing about this is that it is easy and does not use any gaffs. The discounted introductory price will end on Tuesday.
Watch & Buy: HERE.

At the end of last year, I introduced you to Gary Brown’s packet trick with a fantastic routine based on Santa Clause being a stalker who breaks into your house. The routine quickly sold out and I was not able to get anymore.
Gary surprised me this weekend when he attended one of my shows and brought me some more of his Believe trick. I have a bunch of the Poker size editions and will be able to get a few more. But he also made a few sets with Jumbo cards for himself and gave me all the extras.
Watch & Buy: HERE.

Mueller Report Flip Book:
I am still the only place you can get the close-up version of this topical trick. A coloring book style version of the report where you can show everything redacted, blank and unredacted. It has been a big hit among the purchasers, and it can now be used for close-up and strolling magic.
Get the standard report: HERE.
Get the mini report: HERE.
Zodiac Coin:
An update on the Zodiac Coin I introduced you to last week. I sold through all I had and just picked up the last 20 that were left. Another batch is currently being fabricated and will take around a month before it is ready. Get one before they are gone.
Watch & Buy: HERE.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Oct 17-19: Lecturing and performing at the Buffalo 52 Convention in West Seneca, New York.
►Oct 21: Lecturing for IBM #12 in Buffalo, New York.
►Oct 31: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
►Nov 1: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.